
These people are f-ing delusional (thanks, money...I guess). Like "Bible Camp", but less(?) disturbing. I'm actually not sure which is worse: brainwashed adults or children.

WTF was this?

Paul love it!


It was quite a scary movie. It let us see something that perhaps many of us would like to believe does not exist. But ignorance is not bliss. It made me wonder if all religions should be considered cults? I felt sorry for many of these people, feeling they were (like you've said)...brainwashed. I think what people who choose religion want are 1) a community/family to belong to and 2) rules that try to make sense of why bad things happen. I had a third one, but I've forgotten it now! And until something better than churches and religion provide these things, there will be nothing for them to turn to instead.
