
I'm all for 'shake es spear's plays, but I think this movie was more of a harbinger of things to come than a remake of his play.

I enjoyed the movie, but soldiers fighting against civilians was just a little too close to home.

Agree or not, please just keep it civil...

EDIT - I know how to spell shakespeare, it was from Scary Movie. :)


I'm not sure how this film would qualify as propaganda of any kind.

And it's not a remake of the play, it's simply placed the play in a different setting than indicated in the stage directions (though it bears mentioning that the stage directions aren't exactly specific in this regard).


Well, I haven't seen the movie yet (didn't screen anywhere near me), but the basis of the play is that Roman citizens are angry at the patricians, that is, the aristocrats, for denying them food during a time of famine. They are most angry at Coriolanus, the famed patrician soldier, who forcibly promulgates that they deserve none.

So the idea of soldiers, Coriolanus, against citizens, the Romans, doesn't sound too far off the mark to me.

Again, I am speculating, as I don't know how the Volsces are done in this particular adaptation and whether those are the citizens you are referring to.

I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out.


Not propaganda but maybe what will come with the "Arab spring." The only one that was almost bloodless was the first: Tunisia where a street vendor burned himself to death when he couldn't take it any longer. The whole rotten leadership (one family) ran for the airport. But since then it has been the army vs people in Libya, Syria and Egypt.

some of this movie was filmed in Bosnia and Serbia which saw fighting in the 1990's. In the commentary track they said some of the grafitti on the walls during the first big battle was original and they just added some more.

The citizens talked of are Romans not the external enemy. Sometimes if you don't have an external threat you create one to stifle dissent at home and manipulate people for your own self interest. As in the movie "Wag the Dog" and real life instances.


I should hope it serves as warning against repeating mistakes of the past rather than as propaganda.

Both a warning against electing leaders who look down upon those who elect them and a warning regarding how fickle public opinion can be.
