Unintentionally hilarious. If I was a Republican I would be pissed.

I'm a middle of the road guy, consider myself independent.

I know a lot of Republicans, and not ALL are like these whackos on this show.

The funniest was "McCain" and "Christianity"

McCain is not very religious, so that's what made it funny. There have even been articles whether he believes in God from CONSERVATIVE outlets. (He claims he does)

But, he does not believe in destiny, which is documented, and there were a few saying "It's God's destiny to give us McCain!"

And I like McCain, btw. I liked both him and Obama. It was their VP's that scare me.


I wouldn't call it "unintentionally" hilarious. I'm sure A. Pelosi had a pretty good idea that some of the things that these people were going to say into the camera were going to be ridiculous, if not just flat-out silly. And as sure as the snow is white, they were.
