LOL finally someone exposed the ignorance.....

Very good documentary on the retards of America.

Death Awaits You



Both of you are retards if you think this mockumentary had an accurate sampling of conservative America.


Hey Shiner, who said this was an accurate sampling of conservative America? It is just an examination as to why these people attach themselves to conservative ideology. It really has nothing to do with the actual conservative political and economic ideology, but instead deep-seeded hatred for an America that is changing away from racist ideals.

Calling people "retards" shows that you might have been one of the people interviewed in this documentary. Take it easy chump.


This mockumentary? This wasn't from some random rednecks in some rural area of america. NO, it was from a couple of states on the campaign, and it wasn't anyone talking BUT right america. The big mass of retards that you idiots are.

Death Awaits You


Hey just got owned....TWICE!!!





Yeah, that'll happen. You won't find any lefties making asses out of themselves in front of a camera like the inbred retrded morons in Pelosi's film. It just dosen't happen. Republicans have ALWAYS made it so easy for comedians and talk show hosts to rip on them and embarrass them. The only thing they can ever rip on democrats about is that Clinton got a hummer all those years ago. But republicans, OMG!!! You can go on and on and on and on and on.....

Bush and Cheney and Condi's LIES to start an unjust war in Iraq that cost us billions a week and the lives of over 4,000 U.S, soldiers. The Haggard, Foley and Larry "Wide Stance" Craig scandals. Ironic that these in-the-closet-pedophile republicans are SO AGAINST gay marriage...phhsssh, "Family Values Party", RIGHT!!! Fema rip-offs, Haliburton, cronyism. Remember Bush trying to get friend after friend appointed to the supreme court and even REPUBLICANS were so embarrassed they had to nix the appointees? The Terry Schivo embarrassment and Cheney shooting a guy in the face!!! The outing of a CIA agent!!! Bush's Enron buddies and his speeches that made him look illiterate. Ken lay and Abromoff scandals, torture and illegal wire-tapping.Not to mention nominating yet ANOTHER illiterate moron to be VICE-President too. Dan Quayle wasn't enough for you guys? The list goes on and on and on and on and on..............and then these moronic, f-ing retards in this film that STILL support the republican scum after 8 years of dismal and utter failure and lies.OMG!!! How and WHY? How dumb can they be? How are they NOT embarrassed? Uggh....Yeah, keep waiting for that sequel buddy. It's gonna be a llloooooonng wait.


Pelosi wasn't trying to make it a point to show "retards" of America.

There were quite a few people if I recall who spoke clearly and directly.

The older gentleman and the younger man in western Pennsylvania were good guys, well-spoken, but the younger guy was simply wrong. He said, "Obama talks like he knows us, but he really doesn't know us". That man made a point, like so many conservatives in the working class do, of pointing out the fact of their blue collardness. My dad used to do that. It's a source of pride for many folks that they work jobs that keep the entire country rolling.

But that man was ill-informed, and so were a couple of other adults in the film, who hadn't taken the time to check the facts and see that Obama in fact shared the same kind of upbringing in terms of growing up in a situation where the family had to work hard to try to keep up, and work even harder to get ahead. John McCain was born with a silver spoon, not Barack Obama.

And yet some conservatives in the working class either don't know that, or pretend not to.

The irony of modern conservatism is that it comprises two unlikely socio-economic groups, the Wall St. fat cat swindlers and Hee-Haw.

And only in America, or maybe Mexico too for that matter, do you see these poor folks so lost in dreams and stars and patriotic fervor, that they don't even realize that they keep voting for the people who do them the most harm.

It's like hypnotized chickens with working class Republicans, only you talk up religion and "values" as a way to distract them and to get them all teary-eyed, and then they don't even notice you're robbing them.



Death Awaits You


If you are going to call peopled retarded, you might not want to spell "sequel" wrong and make simple mistakes in grammar. Go back to serving me my burger and fries.


I agree, the ignorant sheeple who voted for Obama were exposed.


Yeah, because the first few months in office can really indicate how good of a President someone will be - especially after inheriting the worst economic downturn in 80 years. Get your facts straight loser.


Cezar's post makes absolutley no sense. Just shows the sheer ignorance of the right. Even if you hate Democrats or Obama, the movie we are talking about showed NOBODY that voted for Obama. How dumb can you be? How are people like this NOT embarrassed?!!! I actually cringe in embarrassment FOR THEM when I read such stupid posts. I get very frustrated too. There you be an IQ test or something you have to take before you're allowed to type gibberish on the internet.


Cezar's post makes absolutley no sense. Just shows the sheer ignorance of the right. Even if you hate Democrats or Obama, the movie we are talking about showed NOBODY that voted for Obama. How dumb can you be? How are people like this NOT embarrassed?!!! I actually cringe in embarrassment FOR THEM when I read such stupid posts. I get very frustrated too. There you be an IQ test or something you have to take before you're allowed to type gibberish on the internet.

I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat.

But, the documentary was one sided.

Just like the black guy she interviewed said, "You should be ashamed of yourself, Ms. Liberal."


Still. The film didn't "Expose" any Ignorant sheeple that voted for Obama". All it showed was a bunch of inbred, ignorant, embarrasing, dim-witted Reublican white-trash that voted for McCain and the Dumb Bimbo form Alaska.


Still. The film didn't "Expose" any Ignorant sheeple that voted for Obama". All it showed was a bunch of inbred, ignorant, embarrasing, dim-witted Reublican white-trash that voted for McCain and the Dumb Bimbo form Alaska.

All it told me was that a liberal made the film.

Remember the black guys she interviewed were against her and the tactics she was using to make the "red" states look bad.

There are many more people like the so-called "inbred rednecks"
than there are "open-minded liberals."

You could always move to Canada or Europe.
China might even take you.

No one knows enough about Sarah Palin to call her a "bimbo."

But, her daughter isn't very intelligent.
Her daughter was caught time and time again drinking underage.
That's why she was pregnant.


Does anything you type make sense? Your original post said, "The liberal sheeple that voted for Obama were exposed" or something very close to that. The film showed NOTHING OF THE KIND. What are you even talking about. And we saw PLENTY of that dope Sarah Palin to know she's a bimbo AT BEST. Ignorant and arrogant is a terrible combination. She should have just stuck with the sports casting and beauty pageants. And don't get me started on that weirdo Fargo sounding accent. "We keep an eye on Putin in Alaska!" Yeah, ok. Another illiterate 'tard like bush and Quayle Potatoe?!!! Ha! Way to pick 'em republicans!!!


Move to China, Canada , or Europe? Haha, I hate when unintelligent people make that pathetic argument. I think I will stay in this country and try to change it for the better. Why don't you move to the deep south and become a trucker.


So true. That is SO lame and stupid when someone tells you to move out of the country. Who the F are they to tell us ANYTHING. Just like the embarrassing white-trash in the movie and all the ignorant statements they kept spewing.
