You should be ashamed of yourself, Ms. Liberal !!

LOL !! Call me weird, but I found that line funny.


This would be one of the funniest documentaries, if it wasn't so scary.


Actually, the guy was right. I loved this film and am glad Alexandria Pelosi made it. I know racist whites in my personal life that voted for McCain/Palin solely for the anti black vote. But there's nothing more inappropriate than a white person, be them liberal or conservative, lecturing a black person in any way about race. Rather you're coming from the right or left, there is nothing a white person will say to a black person about race that they don't already know. Alexandria deserved that blow back from him. She told the guy that white McCain voters were using the n word, and he gave her the old "no shyt, sherlock". The best thing he said was actually, "She had to come all the way to the south to find a white guy who said n***er". LOL. Here, here. That being said, his "Ms. liberal" jab was unnecessary. Maybe he's a right winger himself or maybe he called her that just to mess with her. Either way, the moral of the story is that if you're white, leave your opinions on race to yourself when around black people. You will not like the feedback, no matter your politics.



That guy is the man for saying what he said. I thought he was the most powerful speaker in the film, and what he said was profound, every word of it.

I don't get that he was taking a "black people know more than you white people about racism" attitude out of it. He used examples such as "cracker" and *beep* as racist slurs as well. He seemed to be bigger than racial identification for the sake of credibility. That's exactly why I related to it, and I imagine anyone could. True wisdom in the midst of fanaticism paraded as the majority rule in the south- he was pointing out an important fact that many people persist in denying. You can find racism in probably any town in this country or any other, but it does not represent the majority of us. Some people are stupid (yes even in northern areas), but stupidity does not represent us as a united people. And he goes on to point out that it's not just those with his own skin color who are exposed to this stupidity.

I am unsure why Ms. Pelosi put this in the final cut, as I do not in general feel she takes an unbiased approach to these documentaries. However, I am very thankful that she did include it. As a result, there was at least one person representing how I felt in this film. Seriously, that guy is the man.


The black guy she was interviewing was correct.

She went to Mississippi to film a white man saying the "N" word to paint the "red" states as bad.

I guess Ms. Liberal thought all blacks would be on her side.

Think again.


Dumb statement.

It was HER documentary and if she didn't want it in her piece she would not have put it there.

Try THINKING occasionally. You think someone else filmed that and forced her to put it in?

She knows what she is doing and showed the other side and she didn't have to.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


We can all say that ignorance and racism is in all the states of the US. However, it seems to be more accepted in certain states with a majority of those states being in the South and central US.



Great South Park episode that reminded me of most of the racists interviewed on this show!

