As a liberal I'm offended

Look, I disagree with Conservatives on a lot of issues, but this was unfair. It plays right into any "liberal media" paranoia the Right has. I'm not saying a signifant numbers of Republicans are like that, what I'm saying is to act as if these where the ONLY people to vote for McCain is BS. There are plenty of fair-minded, intelligent conservatives. And a lot of them I'm not sure if it was a matter of them being convservative as much a matter of them not liking or fearing Obama!



Just from people I ran into, talked to at my job (as a bartender I talk to a LOT of people at work)encountered on-line or on the street, THERE IS a significant amount of people that talk and act like the inbred morons in this documentary. So some of you can quit saying you are appalled, they ARE out there. Lots of them. Just look at the Obama, Bush, Cheney, Palin or even Bill Maher or Rush Limbaugh boards right here on IMDB!!! There is TONS of proof.

And I'm not talking about Nascar lovin' Busch Lite in a can swillin' southerners. I live almost as north as you can get right here in Detroit. Detroit city is actually south of Windsor, Ontario. Look it up. And I heard so much racist crap against Obama said I was stunned.




I live in New York City, a very very very liberal place yet I do run into people who say stuff about Obama being a "communist" or a "Muslim". These people are everywhere, there just happens to be more of them down south. This documentary is showing the worst of the worst ignorance in America, and that's not a bad thing. People should now about this kind of hatred and intolerance. I don't have anything against people in the South, personally. In fact, I have people I love who live in Alabama, North Carolina and Florida. I'm not a redneck-hater. I just think this documentary WAS fair and showed the horrible ugliness of SOME of the republicans supporting McCain. There are plenty of rational, open-minded republicans, this was just showing the ugly side of it so that people are aware.


I wonder what the actual percentage is. Even if only 10 percent of Republicans think and act this way, that's still WAY too many!


>> Even if only 10 percent of Republicans think and act this way, that's still WAY too many!

This is exactly the key point. It doesn't really matter that Alexandra Pelosi picked the most extreme people; the fact that are ANY people with these views is what the movie is about. I live in a raging red, southern state and even if there are only 10-15% more racist people here than in New York or Detroit, that small percentage is meaningful.


The fact is that you find many of these kind of hateful people,
at least the ones who are computer literate enough, at various
Internet forums - including IMDB.

They pop out of nowhere and yell abuse at liberals and the media,
most of the times completely out of context. It's like having a
madman knocking on your door.

I'm sure there are many of them in USA.
What I don't get is their anger and why they are so paranoid.

But it doesn't mean that all conservative people are like that.


No, I'm not denying they are out there at ALL. I live in Arkansas! I don't know how many times I've heard people talk about the flag thing or make Obama/Osama comparisons (real original) or the Hussien crap. My point was I think it's not fair the way THESE people were depicted, but the fact they made it look as if it's only rural, uneducated hicks that think like that. Why didn't she visit some Jewish traditionally Democratic voters in Florida or someone from Brooklyn or parts of L.A.? She would've gotten the same answers. I just think it plays into the whole "The media hates small town America." I don't think they do, I just think they think they have to travel far to find the crazies and ignore the fact there are PLENTY in their backyards.




Well if there ar any intelligent conservatives I have yet to meet one who didn't rely upon lies, fear and half truths.

Right now El Rushbo is on the tube spouting his usual lies and total BS to the faithful at this *beep* that is the CPAC or whatever it is and everyone of them talks just like the ignorant morons in Pelosi's documentary.

So as a liberal I wasn't offended at all, I was more frightened of what has happened to the people of America that they are so ready to believe the worst without a single piece of truth behind any of it.

I'm in California and my neighbor, who is retired CHP, says the exact same things that these idjits do. He's a nice guy, but he refuses to listen to anything but The FoxNewsWhoreHouse, and people like El Rushbo.


Because he WANTS to believe these things and to believe anything else would ruin him mentally because he is so vested in these beliefs. HE along with almost all conservatives are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance and badly at that.

Rush right now is telling the faithful that Obama will destroy America, that they will work harder to support black welfare mothers who are told don't worry about being married or having the father around because Obama is going to tax the great wealth of this nation from the people who work the hardest to give to lazy welfare mothers.

That Obama is going to release terrorists right into OUR NEIGHBORHOODS when he closes Gitmo.

So please spare me the offended attitude because they are indeed representative of those we saw in this doc.

El Rushbo is STILL pushing the fear mongering. He is telling that unless they get rid of Obama, the liberals, the democrats, America is DOOMED, DOOMED I TELL YOU!!!

And he speaks for conservative America.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety



Do you feel the same about the Conservative version: Why Obama Got Elected? At least Pelosi stated over and again that it doesn't represent all Conservatives.

You campaign in poetry but you govern in prose



"Look, I disagree with Conservatives on a lot of issues, but this was unfair. It plays right into any "liberal media" paranoia the Right has. I'm not saying a signifant numbers of Republicans are like that, what I'm saying is to act as if these where the ONLY people to vote for McCain is BS. There are plenty of fair-minded, intelligent conservatives. And a lot of them I'm not sure if it was a matter of them being convservative as much a matter of them not liking or fearing Obama! "

So .... why are you offended, exactly?


As an American Veteran and Republican I'm offended you even exist! The documentary showed ignorance and intelligence. Or did you only listen to the parts that offended you? There is no liberal media paranoia, the bias is obvious. Just Katie Couric alone is enough proof there is a slanted agenda, it's been this way for at least 2 decades. Wow, that's even long enough for you over-educated, over-indulged liberals to comprehend!

...I really am enjoying Obama's on-the-job training program, it isn't working, but it's humorous, in a dark, maudlin sort of way. It would really be funny if it wasn't so serious and so many people's lives weren't being ruined.

Do you recall what America did in response to four years of Jimmy Carter...?

His name was President Ronald Reagan!!!
