A good idea of what alot of Republicans are sadly like these days

It's funny how people are attacking Alexandra Pelosi's documentary for not painting a fair picture, calling her biased, attacking her or who her mother is. It's not like she forced people to call Obama the N word. You heard that often during the election and it wasn't from just people at a Nascar rally. You still see racist alive and and well at many Tea Party rallies. You still hear complaints and cries of Socalism from alot of misinformed people. I guarantee if you took a poll at any Tea Party event, asked them to define Socialism they couldn't. It's also funny to see how angry some people get over a f'ing FLAG PIN. Like not wearing the flag pin is a crime.

What also amuses me is how hypocritical Republicans are. This is a a party that for 8 years attacked anyone who didn't agree with their president. They threw around slogans liike LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. If you disagreed with Bush you were siding with the terrorists, you were anti-American.

Now is everyone in the Republican party like that, no but ALOT of them are. Flip on FoxNews and you get that 24-7. Flip on Limbaugh, read something from Ann Coulter. Look at many Republican politicans who can't come to terms that they do not have a Republican president and since they do not they will attack and oppose everything from the Dems. These aren't your redneck Nascar type fans. Many them are well educated Republicans however share the same exact racist, homophobic, twisted views as people in this documentary. Hannity even makes a brief appearence, says someone about how the left calls him racist and rolls his eyes when he says this. Hmmm...maybe that's because Hannity is actually close friends with neo-nazi/terrorist, Hal Turner, who Hannity denies he ever met however Turner was a frequent guest on Hannity's previous shows.


SO glad you mentioned the "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" bit! It is interesting how when Bush was in the White House, it was all "if you dont agree with the president, then just leave!" (Too bad vocalizing discontent with the government is one of our fundamental rights as Americans, eh?) And now all they do is fight and complain.

Yes, Im generally a hippy liberal and maybe that creates a bias. But I also like to think I am educated on both sides and pay attention to what is going on. It is how I feel about certain things that led me to my stance. Perhaps if more people educated themselves rather than just following blindly - this crap wouldnt happen.
My main issue with people who religiously love the GOP is that so many are working class. How can you support a group of people that are clearly voting AGAINST you and your best interests over and over again?

*sigh* I believe that everyone should have a voice, but there's that saying "Better to remain silent and look a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."


How does the Republican party vote AGAINST the best interests of the working class? What policies do you think are in the best interests of the working class?

Just a independent that is curious what a self proclaimed "hippy liberal" would support.


hydra are you asking anyone or the previous "hippie" poster? And are you curious as what he'll say or do you not know how against the working class the republican party (as of late) is? We are talking about the USA here right?
