The Obama Failure

In less than one hundred days in office, President Obama has managed to single-handedly destroy our economy and waste the opportunity to bring real change and hope for our country.

You were duped by Obama.

Constitution Party

Let's give them a try next election!



You're a real titanic mind at work.

Why don't you give cyanide a try? Would do wonders for your disease ...


I think cyanide might be a bit much...I think he should watch some real time, or hardball, or countdown, to balance out the Rush, Hannity, and O'Reilly this poor person solely gets his information from. That article was garbage. It was a commercial for some commodities (sorry I'm sure I spelled that wrong) broker. No evidence was provided, it was just mindless hate spew (which the right sure does love to eat up). Ok ok not everyone on the right eats up the hate spew, but based on my experiences a LOT do. Sorry Cezar I'm calling B.S. on you yet again.
