Very, very enjoyable.

I have read a few negative comments, but struggle to see how anyone could dislike this film. It reminds us that all gains by the working class were made in the teeth of strong opposition from the world of business and politics. The characters were believable and the acting and script very authentic.

I also really liked the fact that several of the male characters were sympathetic, smart and on the women's side, it would have been very tempting for the screenwriters and director to have gone all "Thelma and Louise" and made all the men caricatured scumbags, but they resisted.

9/10 . Up there with recent British classics like Billy Elliot or The Full Monty.

Roy 72.


From the clips it all looked a bit Carry On and Rag Trade, but like it very much especially Sally Hawkins who is one of those people who suddenly has great responsibility thrust upon them.


This sort of thing will never happen again in the UK. As the newspapers in the UK are heavily right wing who pour scorn over the rights of people to strike and there are too many robots who read these papers and cannot think for themselves then all sympathy for strikers is lost. The Trade Union movement in the UK is dying particularly as the fascist Tory party has no respect for workers rights unless they are bankers.
