Low rating

6.6 is a little low for me. A realistic, well written film that far exceeded my expectations.


I agree. I can't remember where I heard about this movie, the Daily Show maybe, but I completely forgot about it. It was on and I saw it had 2 out of 4 stars on Comcast. So I'm watching it and it's pretty good. Good cast, good writing and kind of funny. Very realistic. Then I come here and see the rating at 6.6. I think this movie should be mid 7s by usual imdb standards.


It should be much lower. It sucked. Dysfunction is not good.
Although, I couldn't stand it past 2 minutes. I spent 5 times that amount of time in reading reviews & comments first.

 


Although, I couldn't stand it past 2 minutes.
With attention spans of that length of time, clearly I believe you when you claim ...
Dysfunction is not good.



I gave it an 8. Good story, great dialogue. I laughed quite a few times.


IMDB is almost always low. I rated this movie an 8 but few films average that high. Only three movies have barely cracked 9.0.

Higgins was right.


Although, I couldn't stand it past 2 minutes.

Ah, yet another person who thinks their opinion is valid despite not having actually watched the movie. If you're going to criticize something, you have to at least watch the whole thing or at least most of it.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey
