MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > I never get tired of this movie

I never get tired of this movie

I still haven't read the book. I must., but the movie hold my interest. Just happening on it again,,and I'm unable to stop amazing and well done,acted,executed...


Agreed. I'm watching it again right now.


It's an amazing film but I've only seen it once, at the cinema about three and a half years ago. It was such a powerful, overwhelming experience for me I fear that another viewing, especially a small-screen one that doesn't have my full attention, will destroy the effect.


I've only seen it on my screen at is 64" but that is hardly like a movie screen...




Do read the book.

This isn't a case of "the book is, as always, much better". This is a more rare case of it just being different, and that neither is better than the other. The book *is* more complex in detail and structure, but once you have read it, you understand how the film had to be structured differently to make any sense.

Basically, any attempt to have made the film be faithful to the book in all ways would have failed.

Repeating myself from a post long ago, here's the order I enjoyed this story in:

1) the trailer, which some have called the greatest trailer of all time. I mean the long one, which is nearly 6 minutes long. It's really quite mesmerizing, captivating:
2) the book: after the trailer, I knew I would watch the film, so thought to read the book first.
3) the film: blew me away. I may have seen it more than once before the next step.
4) the book: I hadn't planned to do it this way, but something made me want to read the book again that same year. (I also read all of the other David Mitchell novels.)
5) the film, several times since. It's actually been awhile since I've seen it, but I'm sure I'll see it again more than once.
Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Wow,really very good of you to give me all that. There is something about this movie that "moves" me in ways movies often don't. I have heard that the book is a whole different experience,but that comparing the movie and book isn't fair or necessary. They are just too separate.

This is such a great and ambitious work,
Our brains,our egos need to know what and how we are. We contrive a litany of possibilities,some religious,some spiritual,all about us not ending. Our egos insist on it,for most of us anyway.

This work takes that need and gives us some of the most entertaining,drama,comedy,tragedy,love,grief,superstition,fantasy and spiritual stories one could digest in a two hour movie.
I was impressed with how well it was presented and how well the story was executed,from production to acting. And I remember some talk of it being hard to follow,while others seemed amazed that any movie could have been made from the novel in the first place.

The first time I was exposed to it was tv and I didn't even see the beginning. Recently I saw it again,this time on commercial tv and saw the whole movie,but buffered it so I could ff thru the commercials. Tomorrow the Blu Ray arrives from Amazon. And it was only $7 and change. Not like seeing it on the big screen,but I have a 65" screen,so it'll do.

Thank you for reminding me that this is best enjoyed in my own mind,however,through the original work in writing. So many movies are taken from novels,that I fear we are going to have a new generation of people who stopped reading. I guess that has already happened to a degree.

I just started a new book,non fiction,but related in a sense,coincidentally. I'll make sure this gets on the list. Thanx again...


sir, you are quite simply correct. and it is among the greatest trailers ever made as well.


"so amazing and well done,acted,executed..."

Absolutely! I don't understand why this movie wasn't talked more about. It's definitely a must see!



It has a profound feeling to it for sure!


read the book, please. it's outstanding. and read ghostwritten, by the same author, david Mitchell. I knew about cloud atlas because of ghostwritten, which has a similar story of loosely connected lives - only not in different ages, and not that reincarnation sort of vibe, but rather how everyone is connected and their actions influence everyone else, however slightly - if you loved this story, you will be blown away by ghostwritten, it's his debut novel and it's a masterpiece in my opinion. and read cloud atlas as well, of course!


Thanx...I've been looking for something. A good friend read it awhile back and recommended it also.


I bought this as soon as it was out on Blu-ray and I absolutely fell in love with it. They played it on HBO and honestly any time its omni am usually sitting and watching it or just have it on for background noise.

For me I love the music/score to the film, but the story wasn't that hard to follow. Yes its intricate, but if you really watch it and pay attention it all comes round and makes for an enjoyable time. I really dont know how people hated this.
