MovieChat Forums > The Ward (2011) Discussion > Dont know why the bad reviews...

Dont know why the bad reviews...

Yes the ending is similar to Identity which i loved! But its not exactly a rip off! Not better than the movie mentioned above but its a pretty good psychological horror! I really liked it 7.5/10. The lead girl was awesome!


I enjoyed it too, and also thought some of the performances were really good. It has simillarities to the film you mentioned, but there's many films use the same idea.
I can understand why it has bad reviews, especially with horror being the way it is today. People seem to expect excessive gore, shakey cameras or fast cutting. This film doesn't do that. It's a welcome relief.


I Liked it too, everyone seems to hate it.


I really enjoyed it. I dont get the bad reviews either. My only complaint is the shower scene had nothing but side boob.

"Being human in a world full of vampires is about as safe as barebackin a 5 dollar whore".


I like the film a lot, but it doesn't surprise me. Most of Carpenter's best films got dreadful reviews when originally released. He's always been closer to M. Night Shyamalan than Christopher Nolan, as far as his relationship with the critics is concerned

Any reputation he's developed happened in retrospect. Even firm favourites like The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Prince of Darkness and They Live got trashed by the critics back in the day, whereas now they're considered cult classics.


Even firm favourites like The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Prince of Darkness and They Live got trashed by the critics back in the day, whereas now they're considered cult classics.

That's not gonna happen to this piece of *beep*


I just caught this on TV - I liked it. It isn't as bad as people make it out to be but that's probably mostly down to the usual case of people over-exaggerating their opinions on the Internet.

Baby, you make me wish i had three hands.
