MovieChat Forums > Branded (2012) Discussion > Was I just branded? Cause after the trai...

Was I just branded? Cause after the trailer I dont wanna see this !!

with effects like those , Ill stick to
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit"



it wasn't even the "logo's" that were the problem .. its the cgi cop out. If you appreciate it then go see it, I will not.



@Kevibhoy , I bet you (even with the misuse of "Your")put more effort into your personal jab than the whole effects department put into the cgi effects for this crapfest of a movie. As a matter of fact you and this movie are both WRONG!!


@kevibhoy67 How the hell is that even called for?? He expressed that he dislikes an overuse of CGI and you think you know enough of him to make a rude ass comment like that. That came out of no where. Some message boards disgust me. Wth is wrong with some people that think they're making SUCH clever insults over the internet to someone they don't know.. for no good reason.



Certainly a pitiful trailer.

What is it? A remake of "They Live"? That's what the trailer looks like. Doesn't look like it'll be a good remake.

If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood


Thats the first thing that pops up in the minds of anyone who as ever seen "They Live" I personally think going with a remake of that movie would have been a lot better than this idea. To me the trailer is so overloaded with bad cgi effects that it totally turned me off from wanting to see anymore of it. Not all cgi is Good cgi!!


It's definitely not a They Live rip off.

And the CGI is passable for what it is supposed to represent in the movie, which is a hallucination.


I started laughing as soon as I saw the front side of the cover :) it looks like some sort of clay snake resembling a muppet is making its way out of the ground.


I tried to get a group of friends together , so we could get drunk and watch it . they all refused and threatened terminating frienships. lol


I just saw the movie and then looked at the trailer. And I have to say, I probably wouldn't have watched the movie, if I had looked at the trailer first. The movie is like a 7 out of 10 and the trailer is like a 3 out of 10. I guess the movie is too complex to market properly.

This movie has nothing to do with Aliens or They Live. The cgi is all a big metaphor for what is happening in the movie. They blatantly lied to the audience about what the movie is about in the trailer. And it only hurt the chances of people watching it.


I'm going to trust you and actually watch the movie. I think a significant amount of time has passed in order for to forget about the trailer and see it from a different perspective.


Don't do it! There's nothing brilliant about it at all and scenes and the special effects look like they were done piecemeal with an eye on the budget. In one scene, car comes up to cows crossing a road, and stops to wait. There are about 30 cows. The girl had a clear view of the crossing point for 15 miles and somehow ends up just barely stopping for the Russian cowboy herding 30 cows??? Of course! It's the only way to segue into a belated realization that that bearded "cowboy" is her first lover who she's been randomly driving across Russia looking for.

I didn't even buy into the "dystopia", which was sold by creating a foolish side story of the evil marketer von Sydow whose entire presentation was camp. The "signs" of dystopia in Moscow looked like the remainder after 90% of the signs in Tokyo or New York had been torn down. Only the Russians believe that's evidence of the degenerate bourgoisie, i.e., the "dystopia" of the West.

Really! The reason it was made in Russia in the background is it's the only place where the theme would be believed...and that's if you always thought Russia was a Socialist heaven. The concept is that advertising fools you into buying things you don't need, and that really all products of a type are the same. Commubabble and poppycrock. Very few large campaigns are run to create a need: it's unaffordable and too risky.

I will confess I watched the whole thing...well, no, I watched for long enough to want to know if the ending reflected trivial sociobabble (which it did) or an LSD bad trip, but most of my time was spent in stunned disbelief at the mediocre to bad acting, disjointed scene movement and amateur special effects.
