I loved this movie.

It was spectacularly different than what I expected. More like an indie foreign film with cool CG. or as one review put it "Brazil as written by AdBusters' Kalle Lasn." Ignore the haters.


Couldn't agree more!!! Fantastic deep cerebral film! Screw haters - especially ones of ignorance who are in denial that they are the exact thing which they are hating. They are the fat brand-whores & don't like seeing themselves in the mirror.


Was very surprised how deep and artistic this one was. Not surprised many don't get it in this A.D.D. generation.

'Don't let me die with that silly look in my eyes.'


Definitely unusual and enjoyable movie. The story closer to the end was weak etc., but good enough compared to the most crap we must see today. You know, in the very end I even got some thoughts about how this world could've actually be without advertising... I fear to say this, but probably boring... but definitely less visually polluted.

In any case, since you liked it, I wanted to say that there's similar story written by a Russian author and filmed by Jewish-Russian leaving in US, Victor Ginzburg, which is called "Generation P": http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0459748/ This one is definitely better than Branded. Gonna ask IMDB stuff to add it to "People who liked this also liked...", hope they'll add it.
