MovieChat Forums > Branded (2012) Discussion > What a load of pretentious commie bullsh...

What a load of pretentious commie bullsh*t.

Waste of fu*king bandwidth, seriously, at LEAST i didn't pay to see it.

Where to even begin...

The idea, if i'm getting it right, is that big bad corporations peddle sh*t we don't need (and obviously NEED is all that matters, WANTING things is just evil capitalist manipulation that should be banned) through big bad advertisements and we being complete morons incapable of any semblance of free will gobble it all up and fatten their wallets while they all sit in a circlejerk laughing maniacally.
So to fix this we all need to turn to a giant authoritarian collectivist government that is without question benevolent and will save us from ourselves whether we like it or not.

Seriously, that's pretty much the movie in a nutshell.
Well that and casual demonization of fat people just for good measure.

You can just feel the pretentious Eurotrash-wannabe hipsterism throughout the whole thing.

I'm just glad that the leftist trash that would cheer for this sh*t will in the same breath cheer for further disarming themselves, so at least the rest of us are in no great danger of allowing sh*t like this to actually happen.


Can you even begin to appreciate the irony of your celebration of capitalism that was inspired by watching a film that you downloaded and watched for free?

Didn't think so. :)

"At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little."


I doubt very much that he even has a clue.


If marketing, branding and advertising didn't work, billions of dollars wouldn't be spent on it.
Of course capitalism works by creating and then feeding a demand. Brands are instantly recognisable and are a valuable commodity. To think anything else is naive in the extreme.
This maybe isn't the best movie in the world. But if it makes people think then good.
It certainly doesn't deserve such a low score. It's suspiciously low in fact :/


How is that a bad thing?

And more importantly how does it justify replacing it with more government encroachment into the private sector?


I agree with noname.

I will go a step further though and say that I am really tired of people thinking in black and white on these subjects. Capitalism works. But it works best in check, not allowed to run rampant. We need to be the stewards of the economic world we create and react to the positive and negative turns we see.

Socialism, for the most part, doesn't work in the real world. It only works when mixed with some capitalism. Vice versa. Rampant capitalism only works when combined with some regulation.

Just my thoughts.

I appreciate some of the message of this film, but the creators are black and white thinkers, not on the grey spectrum.

Bam said the lady.


Capitalism "in check" is what we have today, and its called corporatism.

Government is the issue, not the economic model.

ANCAP all the way.


Call it what you will, but the current system is creating a society of zombies. Our behavior is definitely influenced by advertising gone rampant, but people have stopped thinking for themselves. The system doesn't work, but the flip side, NO advertising, NO brands wouldn't work either. How do you convince people to think for themselves again? To analyze whether they really need something or just want something as a passing fancy or if it is something they truly want. Wanting things isn't bad. But wanting things because someone told you that you SHOULD want them is the problem.

Bam said the lady.


people have stopped thinking for themselves.

Everyone except you of course?


Didn't you state that you stole this movie? So stealing a privately produced product (meant for, you know, profit) that you feel espouses Communism is okay? I'm not sure, as I'm just "leftist trash" and so much less intelligent than you, but isn't that pretty much the definition of hypocrisy? Also, if by ANCAP you mean anarcho-capitalism, that's a wonderful idea. A private police force. Let's let those who can pay be protected, while the poor can be killed unchecked. Go-go-gadget logic! Oh, wait...


Stealing implies depriving someone of property, piracy is sharing a copy, no one loses property, learn definitions before you use words.

And yes it is a wonderful idea, no coercion, no democratic mob rule of lazy liberals who want free everything for everyone by stealing from those who are productive until they run dry then turning on each other and killing tens of millions like you know....every socialist regime to date.

Good 'ol collectivism, always just one execution away from utopia.


If the population doesn't survive, then no one survives.

The world you speak of pure anarchy and isn't preservation of species, it's screw your neighbor and is pretty much what we have now. The movie also touches on backalley deals to create a trend in which to cash in on...much like the Tea Party movement in the states was created and funded by corporate interests and masqueraded as a grass roots ideology that services no one actually preaching the message, only those that paid very tiny sums of money to get mass effect advertisement.

I mean, really...EPA kills jobs? EPA protects humans. Privatize everything? We'll that's cool, then. It sounds like a dictatorship to me because only those with money would have power. You'd answer to those guys. It's enslavement.

Advertisement isn't necessarily the enemy, it's how it's used. And in this movie they make that point as well. The protagonist fights fire with fire and uses the exact same methods used to benefit a small group of people to shape the desires of the people so as to free themselves.

But, again, this movie isn't really about capitalism or any other forms of government theologies. It's about social engineering.


A significant percentage of money spent on advertising is spent by companies that end up going out of business or that at least do not see significant revenue increases due to advertising.

Of course, you need to advertise enough to let people know that your product or service exists, or you won't receive much business (it hardly takes a genius to figure that out--how the heck are people going to spend money on something they're not aware of?), but the marketing industry markets itself to businesses as much as it markets those businesses' products and services to consumers, and the marketing industry helps promote myths about its effectiveness, because that's to its own advantage.



I agree with this topic. This is basically just a movie based off of the conspiracy theory that "the illuminati" is controlling our minds, largely through entertainment and technology, such as the iphone, and the mass media in general, while secretly plotting to enslave us all via one world government. I'm sure Alex Jones and all his followers must have thought that this was a pure masterpiece that should have "woken people up to the truth".


This movie actually had anti-communist undertones as well as being anti-capitalist, you know. Talk about missing the point.

Those who Fall will find their Heaven, and will always be adored.


"You can just feel the pretentious Eurotrash-..."
"I'm just glad that the leftist trash ..."

"sh*t" "this sh*t" "will allowing sh*t like th" "sit in a circlejerk"

Yeah, we know who the trash is.


I completely 100% agree. The idea that Western culture, especially America, consists of Capitalist pigs that use corporate marketing to fatten the herd of higher functioning retards and harm other nations for giggles and wealth. It certainly sounds like a Russian film.

The hypocrisy being that this film has been marketed and as I understand it, erroneously. I only even heard about it once my sister watched it and was thoroughly disappointed it not being anything like the trailer.


Then there are all the sad little people defending the film by insulting anyone who doesn't share their view. Calling them 'fat', 'small minded', 'childish'. If you like this piece of crap film you're a fit, well-adjusted, intelligent, mature individual. Now I am enlightened, thank you for telling me! I'm fat and stupid! I play with my Skeletor dolls! Where would I be if I hadn't disagreed with the ass hats that love any pretentious POS B movie. I could film my ass and call it experimental and they would probably love it.

In film there is a belief that if you need to defend a project, it's not worth defending.

This is one of those loser films that seeks to demonize Americans and anyone who doesn't look like the image on a magazine cover (hardly the reality).


your opinion doesnt amount to *beep* you have made a total ass of yourself, what a looser: throughout the movie it's clearly stated the whole advertisement situation comes directly from communist propaganda, heck the main character even blames Lenin several times; what a fool you right wingers are, what a fart of a brain you must have since you see the enemy everywhere, even when it's a friend.


I thought the movie was a piece of *beep* but the anti-communist undertones were blatantly obvious (and anti-capitalist). I wouldn't expect someone who uses the word "liberals!" (or "conservatives" for that matter) in a derogatory way to be able to understand meanings in films though. People like that are constantly on the defense.


The movie was leaning more towards anti capitalism rather than anti communism since during Lenin's reign and his development of the New Economic Policy (1921-1928); Russia adopted a semi capitalist policy through the re-establishment of private owned businesses, identity crisis of the every day life of the people, and a re-emergence of bourgeoisie in soviet life. This plan was to bring the crippling economical and population infrastructure up to par with their western counterpart.
