MovieChat Forums > Miral (2010) Discussion > Cheap, trite, anti-Israeli propoganda.

Cheap, trite, anti-Israeli propoganda.

That's all this is. Armchair intellectuals and bleeding heart liberals will love this film... people with a better understanding of the lie that is "Palestine", the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, a better understanding of the history of the middle east in general and a solid moral compass will see this for what it is -- PROPAGANDA.

Disgusting, melodramatic propaganda funded and directed by people who despise the state of Israel and probably the Jewish people as well (not to mention Americans, Europeans, etc). The fact that Willem Defoe is in this just shows how blindly smug and liberal some of these Hollywood actors are.

This "movie" is just AWFUL.


Haters gonna hate.



Well, your "research" of my posts clearly posts to an agenda on your part as well.

Stop trolling me.



I completely agree with whimsicg, and I also recommend checking out the following site:

Visit my website at


As a bleeding heart liberal and doctoral intellectual, I will admit I didn't think this was a particularly strong film and some of its characterizations were a little sloppy, but 'propaganda' is a stretch. Miral and Hani both end up turning away from violence and favoring peace, diplomacy, and education. Hani declares that if there is to be a future for the Palestinian people, they must embrace Israelis as allies, not enemies because neighbors cannot survive in conflict -- that's hardly an anti-Israeli sentiment. Hind, arguably the film's real protagonist, champions hope through education for a peaceful future. The closing title cards dedicate the film to "those on both sides who still believe peace is possible." The movie has a lot of faults, but I think it's unnecessarily divisive and ultimately untrue to suggest anyone who liked the film must be immoral or against Israel or its people. Relating to humans who have suffered is not an endorsement of any given political view.

And Defoe has at most a bit part, maybe three entire minutes of screen time. And while I don't claim to know his personal feelings on the conflict, his character is an American soldier who helps an orphanage get supplies; it's hardly an action only liberals would support. I don't think that taking a role means an actor embraces every argument a film portrays anyway.



Wow, what a surprise. You're a Holocaust denier (YES, YOU ARE) and you stick up for slimy maggots like Finkelstein.

See, you're the bottom of the barrel. It's not even that you care for the Palestinians. I care more about them than you do. You just simply hate Jews and the state of Israel, and as eloquent as you (think) you are, you still come off as a knuckle dragging hate filled anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.




Those Jews you keep parading around that have beef with Israel are usually uber-liberals who don't have a clue what the reality of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is on the ground. They buy into the Palestinian propaganda machine, they listen to all the leftist/liberal media's (disgustingly hypocritical) condemnation of Israel and they forge an opinion that's not based on facts and statistics but on Utopian fantasies of multi-culturalism that have proven futile in Israel, the States and Europe.

What they DON'T understand -- what YOU don't understand -- is that it is impossible to live with constant terrorism. You also fail to take the history of this region into context and your support of the Palestinian "plight" is, again, a gut reaction to the bias and lies you've been fed.

Just a small taste of what I'm talking about... Jewish, Christian and Arab Israelis do not grow up with the brainwashing and propaganda that Palestinian children grow up with. Israelis do not worship a cult of martyrdom and they certainly do not target civilians. Are there stray bullets and rockets that kill innocent Palestinians? Yes. Are there a few psycho soldiers in the IDF that may have committed crimes against innocents? Yes. Every army has them, especially the murderous assassins working for Hamas.

But if you truly do support Palestine and automatically point your finger at Israel you're showing me that you not only have no clue about this conflict, but you've also lost your moral compass. You can no longer differentiate between good and evil (yes, you heard me).. between peace and war.. and between loving thy neighbor and poisoning the minds of an entire generation of Palestinian kids with disgustingly violent and hateful propaganda.

And no, I'm not religious.

You are literally supporting hatred in all its ugliness... and the biggest irony of them all is that the biggest supporters of the Palestinian terror and propaganda machine are people who claim to be humanists and liberals.

At the end of the day it comes down to one simple fact. You CAN NOT travel to Gaza and walk around without keeping an eye behind your back. You will probably be abducted, held hostage or worse. In Israel, you'll feel at home like you would in whatever modern, democratic western country you hail from. Israeli Arabs no that, which is why they are LOYAL to Israel, serve in the IDF and go to Israeli colleges.

I dare you to think about what I just wrote.


@whimsicg: I am thinking about what you just wrote ... and I dare you to suck your own penis.


hammer pants just got called out and it must have struck a nerve.



yes we do hate you all, and my sister distributed candy on 9/11
