Time Period?

is this a period movie or is it modern era, it sounds like it would take place in the past but you never know.

proud little sister of an american deployed soldier!


It takes place in the present day.


Well, here are some clues from a apparent accident scene they are filming today.

There are what appears to be movie set vehicles parked at the end of the interstate. The fire trucks are "old", but not ancient (circa late 1970s?). This could be because it is a struggling modern town that doesn't have the money to upgrade to 2009 equipment. The police vehicles are brand new (state has money, town doesn't?). That sets it today. However, the police vehicles may be actual support vehicles used by the actual state of NC to block off traffic for this filming, i.e., I'm not sure if they are part of the scene or not.

Another thing, tobacco warehouses going out of business is a current issue that places it today.

Finally: the accident scene had barrels of something marked with "biohazard", which likely places it pretty close today, as this is a current concern


Im going to go with 10 years ago when Durham actually looked like what it is in the trailer. Now its been restored and many of the buildings have been turned into bars, stores, apartments. The Tobacco Warehouses closed completely 11-12 yrs ago. Im going to go with 2002-2004 is the time set. If it's modern Durham then they are crazy. Its not torn down like that much anymore.


Although it appears to be present day, I can understand your question. This movie IS outdated in the issues presented. If this movie was made in the 70's or 80's it would be relevant. It is irrelevant today. Probably why it did so poorly, and why you ask if it is a period piece. I wonder when Foote actually wrote it.


They are using cell phones so it can't be going back too far in time. With that being said; didn't I see Ellen Burstyn using an old dial phone??
