Sequel being considered?

If there is a sequel, then there needs to be a stronger narrative and better characters than the first film. The violence needs to toned down and the film needs to make better use of the 3D technology. The first film would have looked equally good in 2D.

I would like the sequel set in any of the Chinese dynasties or even a modern contemporary setting. I would also like to see more magic, supernatural powers and KungFu in the sequel.


nah. dis wuz alredy good.

if there wuz a sequel, i say ditch da 3d...yawn...cant enjoy it wid those stoopid glasses

also i wud add more moanin and puddy shotz. luv lust caution had more hairy puddy shotz than dis 1 and they both had same ratin

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Could somebody please translate this into English.


I am going to try. The previous comment appears to state the following:

No, this (movie) was already good. If there is a sequel, I say ditch the 3D - I can't enjoy it with these stupid glasses. Also, I would add more moaning and "puddy" shots. I love "Lust, Caution" (2007 movie). It had more hairy "puddy" shots than this one and they both had the same (movie) rating.


Why does there have to be so much mindless violence in films. This one looks like a reasonable idea but then there has to be brains being blown out and heads being cut open... What a shame.
