Jaimie Is a Lousy Coach

She's not worth the money anyone is paying her. Say what you will about Cambrie, she's much better organized than Jaimie. I wouldn't send a dog I loved to either of those ladies, but Cambrie is much more worth it.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I totally agree. Jaimie seems very unprofessional and bare minimum. I would be furious if I was the mother to a kid on her team. Cambrie's technique, choreography and looks are all on point....


I agree. She's much more professional. At least she tells the moms to cut the drama out. Jamie seems to encourage it.


She is bad and not worth any money but if you suck as a pageant mom, no matter how good a coach is your kid will not win. That Solece (sp?) girls mom was a mess. She was late coming down to beauty. She didn't make her kid practice and she had no common sense and was unprepared. Who doesn't know to bring music? I know that just from watching the show. Jaimie should have been harder on her. I didn't think it was fair to put that loss all on Jaimie. It's like when parents do nothing to teach their kids at home and blame everything on the teachers. I don't think Cambrie would have put up with that crap.

The other girls on the saasy team would have done better with a good coach but Solece would have been a mess no matter what because of her mom not doing her part and making excuses


It's Selyse, like Elyse with an S in front.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)



Well its not just about her not practicing but the fact that she was completely not together. She was nowhere near the stage when it was time for her to go on and didn't even have her music together.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


Then maybe don't toss three years olds on a stage and expect them to perform like perfectly trained little monkeys?

Just saying...


I'm not saying the mom didn't have her own issues, but if you are paying someone $50 an hour the coach knowing the mom was new should have known what her routine was going to be and made sure she has the music for it. It doesn't seem like she actually does much with the kids.


can you clarify for me how much she said she charged an hour? I even rewound it a few times but didn't understand her. It sounded like she said $5 /hr.
I had to laugh though at the blonde mother. I don't recall her or her childs name, but I remember during one of her interviews towards the begining she was sitting on her couch, sort of on her side with her legs up, and it looked like one was spread open..lol It made me think of a woman laying on a chaise (sp) lounge chair, in like a bordello type pose..lol She also said that with the pagent coming up they have been "hitting the practice hard" and that the coach works with her for an hour or so every week. That doesn't quite register as "hitting it hard" in my book! lol

I agree about Cambrie, although I think if she is charging the $150 an hour to practice using skype, that is a bit high. She really does seem to care about the kids and takes pride in them. I think the bow situation was probably manipulated..but I can see why she wants them to all to have proper attire (aside from the bows at practice). They are able to identify as a team with eachother. I don't mean "identify" in the sense that people will look at them and know they are a team..but that the girls within the team are more confident and feel comroderie.
I hope that made sense ..lol Cambrie is very pretty (moreso without all the caked on makeup) and takes pride in herself. I saw an old episode the other day with her and she has changed quite a bit. To me, it looks like she wears a butt-enhancer for shape, In one of her interviews where she was wearing a long gown with a high split, she definatly has some celulite goin on, but she exeudes confidence. I do find her wardrobe a bit inappropriate at times though
The way this new format is, one can expect that all the cattyness will come in short order! Does anyone remember that one coach a while back that was just horribile?? She was telling the little girl negative things about others such as not liking fat people, or so-n-so is ugly..etc. She was just awful!

I never finish anyth


can you clarify for me how much she said she charged an hour? I even rewound it a few times but didn't understand her. It sounded like she said $5 /hr.

This confused me also. It sounded like she said five bucks to me too. If that's the case, you definitely get what you pay for, but I can't imagine a pageant coach charging so little. Then later on it sounded like Cambrie said that Jaimie charges $50 which is way more believable. I don't know. Maybe Jaimie misspoke.


She said she charges $55 an hour and $30 for a half hour.


Thanks. That makes more sense.


Yes Jamie sucks say what you will its like a car race with a corvette (cambrie) vs Vega (jamie) Why would anyone go to her? Its ridiculous in the episode glitz jungle the one that messed up won BS,


Probably because Cambri charges 3xs the amount and they can't afford her lol


ahhh! Thank you!

I never finish anyth


Yeah I remember when Cambrie coached the little spitfire Kalia who won pretty much every pageant she did. Back then she looked nothing like she does now. So yeah I guess money can get you a big butt and thicker thighs. I'm not hating on her because Kalia was one of my favs from back in the day of T&T, and yes Cambrie is a good coach, so if wanting a huge butt and tick thighs works for her,then work it Cambrie.


I hope it didn't sound like I was hating on her! So far I actually like her, and I like her confidence she has in herself and her girls. Hopefully it won't go off the rails seeing where this season looks to be going,

I never finish anyth


No way it didn't sound like that at all, I liked Cambrie back in the day I was wanting her to smile back then because she always looked so serious, but yeah she is a good coach and her girls are good too.



Tbh if I had a daughter who was competing in pageants I would defin etely choose Cambrie as a coach over Jaimie.


Never in a million years would I consider using Jaimie as a coach. I think she likes the drama and likes to stir the pot. I also thought it was very inappropriate when the moms were in her fugly pink wallpaper living room bashing Cambrie and her team in front of their children. Children hear and see everything. They will grow up to be just as mean as their moms and Jaimie.

Cambrie, while looking like a Kardashian wanna-be, appears organized and good at pageant work.
