Nope. Their opinions have gotten less and less trustworthy over the years, and nothing will convince me to watch this movie. (Well, a gun pointed at my crotch might do it...)

Chicks like three things: men in kilts, Southern Comfort, and Chris Issak's "Wicked Game".


Trusted fango and you were right, completely agreed, cringeworthy addition to the torture porn genre done with a little more flair and dramatic creativity than usual :) Have posted a review and hopefully will get the rating a little improved - I still don't understand why this one has such a low rating??!!!


Agreed! Despite the fact that this is like low budget to the max, it still has way more heart(and balls) than the other torture movies

I'm Cherry. Yes you are.


This movie is repulsive in EVERY way shape and form. Gore for gores sake, does not a good movie make.



This movie HAD a script? That surprises me LOL

