MovieChat Forums > Cockneys vs Zombies (2013) Discussion > Just saw the Red band trailer :)

Just saw the Red band trailer :)

I love it when morons claim they know a mole who said "this film is bad" blah, blah, blah (usually translated as a sodding extra or someone with no acting chops. OK, that must mean an extra then!)

As a Londoner, I couldn't stop laughing! Looks high budget and the special effects are great. Having Alan Ford, AKA Brick Top from Snatch as the hero of sorts, just brought a huge grin to my face. At first, I thought someone inserted one of his old lines and then the penny dropped.


Yeah! Brick Top!

They should cross continuity between CVZ and Snatch... Brad Pitt can have a cameo punching zombies.

Oh wait, I think Brick Top dies at the end of Snatch. Damn.

Maybe a cross with Shawn of the Dead then?


I just watched the trailer and bits had me smiling.

It looks like a quite promising horror comedy.

And I love Georgina Hale who has a role in the film too. <3


I thought some of the trailer was hilarious! The old fart trying to outrun the zombie in his zimmerframe for starters. Then the contrived derivation of Cockney rhyming slang for Trafalgars... can't wait! Hope it makes general release.
