Craig Charles

Pretty certain i seen Craig Charles as a zombie extra....Anyone else notice?


I thought that, at the factory gates


Well, the director did the decent thing and named all the zombies used in the film (unlike Edgar Wright who just credited specific zombies featured in certain scenes of Shaun of the Dead...not that I'm bitter about that...much). However, I went through the whole zombie cast list because I wanted to see if someone I knew was in there (he was) but I don't recall seing Craig Charles' name there. It was probably just someone who looked a bit like Craig Charles with all that make up on...


In reply to this, i knew two people who starred as zombies one who is very prominent towards the endo of the film, however, they were not credited so it is possible it was Craig Charles !


Was he playing a Crack-ney?


Craig Charles is too well known as an actor to play an extra.
