Shaun of the Dead?

This sounds like a *beep* inspired version of Shaun of the Dead.


But it's not. I've been on the set as a zombie through a massive scene and there's very little if any similarity to Shaun of the Dead.


Same Peter, did you have as much fun as me? =) And yeah definitely doesn't seem as outright-comedy as Shaun of the Dead.

JESSIE There, now I can change my ID as often as I damn well please.


I had so much fun. I'm actually sad to not be going back there :( Did we talk? I spoke to loads of people but only grabbed a couple of names =/

Edit: Yes, we did talk. Only for most of the day :P


cool if you did work on the set then theres some pictures on this article, you might be on it? :)
I found the article and thought I'd share it :)


Had a look at the article and the photos were taken in Canary Wharf, a long, long way from where we were. However, the pub scene was a genuinely closed pub on the set we were on which is a former brewery due to (sadly) be demolished.

"Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel" - Jimi Hendrix


Why does everyone think a UK zombie film is ripping off Shawn of the Dead, a film which 'rippied off' all zombie films, you can't do too much new with the Zombie Genre. Cockneys Vs Zombies I found much better than Shawn of the Dead.



Peter Jackson's Braindead


Cockneys vs Zombies isn't set in "that comedy style". Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are quite unique in their sense of humour.

If you just mean a zombie comedy, then there are countless films like that:
The Evil Dead trilogy,
Return of the Living Dead (and its 2 sequels prior to the release of SOTD)
Re-Animator (and its 2 sequels),
Night of the Creeps,
not to mention how the original Dawn of the Dead is essentially a comedy (intentionally, I should add) and the list goes on and on.

Shaun of the Dead is not a spoof of Dawn of the Dead. It's a zombie film that's also a comedy that happens to be named in homage to Dawn of the Dead. At no point does it spoof Dawn of the Dead and the plots aren't parodies either.

And what do you mean "difference being its a comedy"? That's what a spoof is. How could you do a spoof of a film without the difference being that it's a comedy?

Art is a lie that tells the truth.




There are many similarities.

- The banker not paying attention when holding the gun and getting torn limb from limb by the zombies. (like David's death in the Winchester)
- Davey's death was very similar to Ed's.
- Impaling zombies up against the wall (like the tree in SotD)
- When they exit the old folks home reminded me a lot of the scene where they exit Shaun's mum's house.

There's a few others but honestly, I was sat there thinking these references were intentional.


When I saw the trailer, I automatically thought it looked like a cross between Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz... And I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing, because that sounds like a great combination to me :)


It's more like a blend of Shaun of the Dead + Snatch, fun movie.

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.


Just saw the movie, it was really good. I agree the only thing it has in common with Shaun is that it is a zombie movie with comedy in it. I think this is a perfect description though of sort of a cross between Shaun and Snatch.



oburns01 -

Good comparison - haven't thought about Snatch for ages - thanks for that.

Shaun is a great film, but it's very much the Simon Pegg & Nick Frost show.
For me, a little Simon Pegg goes a long way.

This is more of an ensemble film.
And nicely rough & ready.




Difference is that Shaun of the dead was actually entertaining...



I can't stand Shaun of the dead, this film actually got a laugh out of me


I just wish everyone would stop comparing movies to that SOTD movie. It's so infuriating to see all the damn time. I see it on DVD covers and everything. SOTD is one of the most overrated and overhyped movies out there.

"Time has such little respect for man's vanity" - Vincent Price


I absolutely loved "Shaun of the Dead." I was sorta hoping for a linkup between the two - could absolutely see this going on in separate sides of London at the same time, no? All it would have taken was a cameo with one or two of the actors in a bus going by early on... (Simon Pegg was on a bus for a bit in SOTD..)

"I didn't say that. The camera must have misheard me!"
