German trailer

Looks pretty interesting.


I was just coming here to post that, actually. :)

Yeah, the boxing and training scenes look pretty good - which is usually what matters in boxing movies...


it might look good, but if you can actually understand how maske delivers his lines ... i don't know. this might work for non-german-speaking audiences, but maske's acting will not be good.

(i'm not a boll hater btw., i think that guy is funny as hell, when you listen to his interviews, but this movie will be torn to shreds in germnay for maske's acting, i'm sure.)


Interesting? Its going to be *beep* like all the other movies this madman has made! Henry Maske is a bloody boxer, not an actor, and if he is as crapy in the whole movie as he is in the trailer, then this movie will really be another "chip" on Bolls shoulder!
