MovieChat Forums > Good People (2015) Discussion > Once it went for the "Home Alone' booby ...

Once it went for the "Home Alone' booby trap angle...




But... the guy was a landscape architect. Those guys are known for their booby-trap skills.



Of course! I forgot, how foolish of me- just last week I had my fishpond extended, and whilst inspecting it I was nearly decapitated by an enormous bamboo mousetrap.


He was also an American, so he probably didn't know that in England you can dial 999 and a bunch of nice policemen will come round and save you from the bad guys without the need to build any booby traps.


You mean the bobbies on the take from the bad guy coming to your house? Great idea!


I was thinking "wtf is this, home alone for adults?" I was wishing that classic home alone music would start playing. They must have gotten paid a decent amount to be in this film. Even the leads who are talented did a bad job because of a bar script / directing.


Yeah. Plus the nail gun. Franco's character should have used "ribbed nails". The guy would have never been able to walk away. All in all, a stupid film.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


The whole ending was pretty silly. Still, all in all, a sort of fun/mindless movie, with a little bit of heart. Easily forgettable, however.

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)


For sure. Not an entirely original idea to begin with (ordinary people in the wrong place making a bad decision) concluding with an ill-fitting ending. A Simple Plan, Fargo, and others, did it much better.


Yeah. Agreed. It was fairly good, or at least watchable, up to that point.

Then Fonzie went airborne.


Hahhaah yeah, that was all a bit Home Alone now that you mention it!! [laughing!]
