
I saw this today at the Waterfront Film Festival, and I was fairly disappointed. The main problem for me was the humor, it all felt very sitcom-esque and forced. I have never read the book, but at least in the film, Kevin Kline's character was very over-the-top, as were many of the "comic" situations. There were a couple of laughs, but overall I found the film uneven and forgettable.

Any thoughts from others who have seen it?


I also saw this at the Waterfront Film Festival, and it was very much a letdown for me. I expected it to be great (I love Kevin Kline and Paul Dano), but so many things about it just did not feel right. The tone was strange and there seemed to be way too many subplots within the movie. Though there were a couple of funny parts, it just overall was not consistent and was pretty much forgettable. I was getting antsy for the movie to be over the first hour in.


i saw this moving on my cable box ondemand...very disappointed...Katie Holmes had the only normal part...NOT Kevin Kline's best movie... and defintily not the movie of the year lol


How can thing not disappoint everyone???


That's disappointing. I have(had) high hopes for this movie and will probably still see, perhaps I'll still enjoy it.


I saw it last week and thought it was irritating. One of those pointless exercises that seem to exist only to supply a couple of actors with interesting roles. What fool--no matter how young, broke or naive--would agree to room with such a miserable cretin as Kline portrays? I hit New York when I was 18 with only $600 in my pocket and I wouldn't have lived with this guy for free. And what's up with John C. Riley talking like Mickey Mouse? I very much admire all the actors involved with this one, but I say skip it.


Well I, for one, thought it was terrific and very funny. John C. Reilly was by far my favorite part.


Reilly's speaking "voice" in the movie was like a junior high school play with one of the kids using a falsetto voice in his part to make the other kids laugh. The whole movie was sophomoric. I was so disappointed, the trailers make it look so adult and amusing. I would have walked out but I kept waiting for it to get better. There were a few amusing scenes, I'll give it that.

Kline tried to rise above the part and succeeded for the most part, I guess Dano did the best with his part too. Katie just cannot act, plain and simple.


Reily, looking mean and scary with his hobo look, has a high speaking voice. But when he sings he has a normal voice. Hilarious.
I thought Katie Holmes was the only good thing about this movie. I really liked her in this.


I entered without much background information.I left not knowing much more.
I possibly dozed in a few places.I honestly didn't realize the actress was Katie Holmes 3/10.


I was disappointed also. The film is extremely disjointed. It's too long
and in its attempt to go everywhere, it ends up nowhere. Too many plots,
in a script that is wildly unfocused. Waste of a talented cast.


good thing I had fast forward on my DVD player. Reminded me of the Royal Tannenbaums. Totally disjointed. I was turned off by the drag scenes.


This film is a perfect example for me, of those movies that I can not really understand:
who thought of it?
why thought of it?
who paid for it?
who thought that it would be a success?
and who liked it?


its junk. don't bother


Well, I think the acting exceeded the story.
Still, it's worth seeing in my opinion, especially as a rental or cable film.


Yep, disappointing.


I didn't think it was like a situation comedy at all and Kevin Kline's character was right on spot and not over the top the least little bit. I thought it was refreshing and un-predictable (unlike situation comedys.) It might not appeal to the "mainstream" American audience used to having their humor very safe and predictable. But, if your not that type of person you might like this movie.


I loved every bit of it. Can't believe the bad reception. I thought it was the best comedy drama I've seen since sideways. I watched it only knowing that Jonathan Ames was involved and I really like bored to death.

