Ireland is not Britain

You would think that the BBC would have at least some basic knowledge of geography to realise that Ireland is NOT part of Britain. Even Northern Ireland is not Great Britain - (hence Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

Why call a program "Oz & James Drink to Britain" if you're visiting a country outside Britain?

The usual sloppy and incompetent standards from the BBC.


Did you not watch the programme?

Oz clearly states that they know Ireland isn't part of Britain, but because they felt it was worthy of being visited they did.
What your saying is just pedantic nonsense.


Get a life you should be glad that someone is taking an intrest in your shabby country.

"I have to return some videotapes" Patrick Bateman


So shabby that the Brits continue to occupy part of it.


You hear that joke...

why is the grass in Ireland so green? because they are all over here walking on ours

"I have to return some videotapes" Patrick Bateman


The usual sloppy and incompetent standards from the BBC.

not like you have an agenda then eh?


Dear "Mymessages74"

You sir, are a complete arse.


The rest of the world.
