Am I a snob?

I saw this advertised on the BBC a while ago and thought "nah, looks rubbish, I'll give it a miss". But now that I've learnt it's being shown on HBO, I think I'll give it ago and watch it.

I'm a big fan of HBO shows, they rarely make a rubbish programme (Little Britain USA being the exception that proves the rule) and although this was made by the BBC, it's almost got the official stamp of approval from HBO, which gives it a 95% chance of being great.

Does that mean I'm a snob for only being interested since HBO got involved?


You're not a snob, you have good taste. Most shows by HBO are better than average. Though I must add that the BBC has a pretty solid record as well.



i would say 95% is an over estimate of the greatness of HBO series, but a lot of the series ARE good.

HBO series that i've loved thus far: Curbed, Six Feet Under, the Wire, Summer Heights High, True Blood

i watched the premiere of No.1 Ladies Detective today, and i was bored out of my skull. Also I found the acting a little on the amateur side. i may give the series another chance and watch the other 5 episodes, but I have a feeling this show is too slow paced for my taste.



It doesn't mean you're a snob, it just means you put a LOT of faith in HBO.


Which side of the pond are you from? I suspect from the old country, as here in the colonies, we'd look at somebody that would only watch BCC, and turn up their nose at HBO as a snob, and somebody who rejects BBC and only watches HBO as a slob.

By the way, I don't think "the exception that proves the rule" means what you think it does, see for example:

But who am i to make an issue of this, I'm from a backwards country that doesn't speak the Queen's English, we speak a sort of Pidgin or Creole English here, called "Dumblish."


Who cares what anybody thinks? You like what you like and that's that.

