Long Cast List

For a movie where I basically saw 2 out of 4 characters the majority of the time, that casting list is awfully long. I remember the girl from the video to her friend and the appearance of crew briefly in the end, but where did all these other people come from.


You remember Aurora's friends in the videos and the crew members that's more than half of the cast. Others are the robots(voice).

How'S iT goinG tO enD


OMG that's exactly what I was thinking. It was like who the Fuck are all these extra cast members listed ? Did I just watch a different movie ? LOL. But I think most of them were just voices plus the few extras who appeared on screen for a few seconds at the end.


what killed me was the Andy Garcia 3 seconds clip AT THE VERY END OF THE MOVIE

lol omg just hire someone cheap for that shit performance
