Mustang Killed Lust

I personally have no problem with Mustang killing Lust in fact, I love the idea cause they made Mustang's character much more significant by him killing a homunculus but I was wondering "HOW?"

First time he fried her it didnt work, she regenerated right back but the scene when Lust was just about to kill Hawkeye and Ed, he appeared and used these super flames to cook her hella hard (which was a great scene by the way) and it looked like she was in pain.

I didnt quite get it, Was the fire more intensed and that's it killed her? or did he exhausted the Philospher's Stone to the point it couldnt heal her anymore? and I thought homunculus dont feel pain or can they?

some1 help me plz


Homunculus feel pain. Roy exhausted her philosopher stone. One blow wouldn't have been enough; he had to do it a number of times.

If you really think about it, Lust's death was a group effort. Lust might have one more life point to kill Roy if Hughes hadn't already knocked it off. His best friend saved his life.


"His best friend saved his life."

I never thought of it that way, but that does make sense -- that one part where Lust comes out to strike Roy, but she's about to die. How beautiful. :)

"MALLL NOOO, JESUS CHRIST!" - Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception


I know i just saw that episode a half hour ago and am still in emotional awe from it! Wow people who said Brotherhood doesn't have any good emotional scenes need to watch that episode.

"Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return- Alphonse Elric


Like ang43c said, philosopher's stones have a limited number of souls. He just burned through all of them, and yes they do feel pain. Envy and Sloth both said how much they hate dying each time.

He actually almost killed Envy the same way before Hawkeye and Ed stopped him.


Nice topic title jerk.

If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me. -Commander Shepard


that scene was awesome



"Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return- Alphonse Elric
