Confusing part?

I really enjoy both versions of the anime. One thing that has always bothered me with both though is, Why does Winry make Edwards Arm and Leg weaker? I know it increases his speed but that's it. We know Edward gets in a lot of battles and Winry saw the destruction of his last arm, so why does she make it weaker then? Wouldn't it have been more logical to have tried to make them stronger? Able to actually take the abuse, rather than crack under enough pressure? This is the one thing that really gets me in the show, why make something that got destroyed, weaker? Maybe it is explained better in the manga. Still though it has never made sense to me.


well there is an easy argument about whether speed or strength is more important. you could easily argue either way. He got perks from it being lighter, even if it did make it weaker. it's all a matter of opinion.


I see your point. Also in brotherhood it does show later in the series a stronger yet still lightweight automail he wears, so it eventually does work out for the better.


At the end of the day Ed lacks the physical power to use his brute strength to bring people down. So they try to up his speed.

Also Winry simply did not have the metal mixtures to lighten but preserve the strength of the metal or make it stronger but keep the weight the same.
