Sexual Content

I normally only watch this show via passing (i.e. changing channels). Tonight caught a glimpse of an episode of some girls and one challenge had one (blonde) having to be on a treadmill w/ some guy.
He initially was in front of her w/ his back to her but then took off his shirt and turned his body towards her. Putting his parts right up near hers ~ I can only assume that nothing physical was inline but the content of the act seen as if it could have been.

Wondering if I was only person who questioned this or perhaps there were others or other challenges u all questioned?

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


I haven't seen that stunt, but it sounds....suggestive. To say the least.



I watch reruns and saw it yesterday. They did the same stunt the same way with the same fatso with a male contestant, so no, it's not suggestive. Besides his stomach was in the way of anything physical (apart from stomach). If the guy would have been skinny, it would have been another matter.


