The acting

I know it's comedy, spoof, parody and over the top but why does the production always come up with these concepts and encourage the queens to act like clowns? I mean you can do really good comedy by being a little more subtle. When I watched the shequels, they all screamed, had distorted faces and moved so tragically. It was sometimes hard to understand what they were saying. I guess I'm used to it now because all the acting challenges since season 1 have been done the same way. But could they try something different which would not be so forced and outrageous? Even if I know it's part of the drag culture to exaggerate this kind of things... Just look some videos on YouTube, some queens know how to play it a notch down.


Because the show's producers, writers and editors need to actually spend sometime learning how to write, produce and edit. And how to direct. The shequels were a travesty and its ridiculous that Alyssa, Katya or Roxxxy for up for elimination when it should have been the writers who were.

My teenage angst has a body count
