No final crowning?

It looks like the crowning is going to happen with the final 4 on the runway. I know they did that for All Stars 1 but you would think this time around they would have a bigger budget for a large crowning in a theater like the other seasons.


I have a feeling they will do that. Like in season 4, the final three were assembled for the final episode and then told the crowning would take place later on, during the reunion show.

I don't think they'll go all out for the crowning, like they have done for the regular seasons, but I don't think it will be done on tomorrow's episode.


I was wrong.


The season finale is scheduled to air tomorrow and the winner will be chose, albeit with a lot less hoopla than regular season finales!


I personally hate the live coronation so i'm happy for it to be in the taped show. I prefer the old reunions before the Queens got made to talk for 2 seconds and say something nice because they're too scared fans in the audience will boo them. I liked Tatianna telling Raven to shut up because she's talking, or India's face when Mimi gave her the T-shirt. Or Rupaul having a go at Tammie Brown. But season 7 and season 8's finales were far too long and dull.

My teenage angst has a body count


I agree about the last two finales. Those musical numbers are just annoying. I would like to hear more from the queens and about the season.


They stink, but Katia's really impressing Travis during rehearsal! ;-)

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