MovieChat Forums > RuPaul's Drag Race (2009) Discussion > I think the show played Phi Phi.

I think the show played Phi Phi.

I think the plan was to get Alyssa to come back and eliminate Phi Phi all along. I think production knew that Alyssa would do good enough on the challenge that they could put her in top two without it looking suspicious because the challenge was in Alyssa's wheelhouse. Either Alyssa and Tatianna were both meant to win from the start or Alyssa was meant to win, but Tatianna did so good that they let her stay and split the 10k.

And with it being a comedy challenge, production knew chances were good that Phi Phi would be wearing something ridiculous when she got eliminated. Lets face it, she can come up with some stunning looks. All so she could make her exit wearing fishnets and a baby bump.


I think they're entire plan with having Phi Phi on was to make her look bad. They wanted her to be the villain. I honestly feel like they would have given a villainous edit to Adore also or given her the fallen from grace storyline.

With Phi Phi you cannot deny that she gave the producers what they wanted by being aggressive. I don't think that she was ever being manipulative because both Alyssa and Roxxxy asked her during snatch game and she was usually going on producer questions like when she went on her Alyssa rant.

What I don't like is that this season is showing obvious favoritism. In what way was Alaska and Alyssa going up there being themselves funnier than what Katya and Ginger did? My problem with the whole this was there were parts where Alyssa clearly didn't know the words to the lip sync. Tatiana definitely won this lip sync in my opinion but Alyssa did try hard so I'm not going to hate on her for coming back. What I am going to hate on her for is her decision to send Phi Phi home when she's the one who decided that she was going to eliminate off consistency. She was definitely taking her revenge but I guess that's how the game is played.


The more I think about it, the more it seems like a well played stunt by Phi Phi.

My teenage angst has a body count


I can't say I feel sorry for Phi Phi and I don't blame the show.

The show's not responsible for the crazy/mean people that are on social media. Phi Phi is responsible for her own behavior. On of the risks of being a b!tch on TV is the fallout from people who hate b!tches.

If social media is bullying her she needs to give up social media and hire a bodyguard.


those people on social media need to get a life, theyre so pathetic. phi phi needs to learn to simply own what she says & not let losers on the internet hurt her feelings or take their empty threats seriously.


and yes





Trust me I was ready and willing to hate Phi Phi this season. His behavior from season four was that awful. But his behavior didn't come from insecurity and bitterness this season. He had a legitimate problem with Alyssa flipping the script, and everyone except for Alyssa and Katya (who benefitted from Alyssa's action) agreed.

Like him or not (I do not), Phi Phi got screwed over. Roxy should have been sent home.


Actually Phi-Phi's shadiness started showing while preparing for Snatch Game. She cast doubt into Roxxxy's head and caused her to do an ill-advised last minute character switch. She also tried to cause Alyssa to second-guess her Joan Crawford choice... the difference is Alyssa didn't take the bait.



From what I saw, Phi Phi was advising Roxy to make her Sofia Vergara accent thicker. It didn't look like Ru even knew who Roxy was supposed to be when he stopped by Roxy's station, so Phi Phi probably had a point. Just because Tatiana was taped saying that Phi Phi was very strategic, alongside with footage of Phi Phi giving advise to Roxy and Alyssa, doesn't mean she tried to sabotage them. She may have thought she was being helpful, but it came across wrong because she's so unpleasant.


exactly, good point. show is terribly edited, there is A LOT going on behind the cameras, and what you see isn't always what you get. I love the show, but obvious calculations of producents ruined probably the best season so far.


Phi Phi played herself, she should have known all the comments to the other queens could be used against her but she still made them. She wasnt born yesterday to know how a reality show works so I dont feel bad for her and I think she is a tricky bitch
