MovieChat Forums > Street Fighter IV (2009) Discussion > Biblical reference or coincidence?

Biblical reference or coincidence?

I'm talking of course about the characters Abel and Seth. In the bible of course they are Adam and Eve's sons, the latter born after the former's death. They seem to be referencing this when Seth is surprised Abel is still alive and refers to him being an earlier experiment.

At the same time, the President of Capcom USA's name is Seth too, so they could've named the character after him. Which is it?

I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!



"We are in the business of killing people, and Business is good."


It's not a coincidence. They've gone on record saying they named the two after the Biblical brothers. They were originally going to name Seth Cain but there's already a SNK boss named Kain and they thought that would be too redundant so they went with Seth instead.
