MovieChat Forums > Chloe (2010) Discussion > How did Catherine know how to contact Ch...

How did Catherine know how to contact Chloe? + talk about poor planning!

This made no sense at all. They meet in the bathroom, have a brief conversation, and part company. All Catherine knows about Chloe is that she is in a fancy restaurant with an attractive man and crying in the bathroom. She has now way of knowing for sure that Chloe is a prostitute, but soon after Catherine meets with Chloe in person, and hires her. How did she know how to get in touch?

Also, what kind of idiot plans a surprise party for someone who will be arriving by plane in the winter time? So much can go wrong with a plan like that without David acting like a Jerk and leaving his wife in the lurch on his birthday.


Yea that's the same thing I was thinking, but I noticed in the beginning of the movie it showed a brief moment of Catherine staring at Chloe on the street from her office. Then after they come out of the bathroom in the restaurant Catherine sees her go to a guy at a table where a girl had just left, and they make eye contact. So I'm thinking that's when she started to get suspicious, then the next day she coincidentally spots her on the street again from the view in her office and follows her into the place she normally goes for clients and makes the immediate assumption.

