MovieChat Forums > Chloe (2010) Discussion > Wouldn't the police arrest her? (Spoiler...

Wouldn't the police arrest her? (Spoilers)

Wouldn’t Catherine be arrested for murder – or at least for causing Chloe’s death? I mean it was an accident but certainly Catherine pushed Chloe away physically not because she was threatened at that stage, but just because her son burst into the room and saw them kissing. If they were struggling or fighting, Catherine might have claimed self-defense, but there was nothing to support that claim in that scenario.

Also, Chloe had emailed to Catherine earlier the pictures of their love scenes. So to the police, Catherine clearly had a motive.

So what was supposed to have taken place after Chloe's death? All we see in the film was that all was well after Chloe was gone and the family was reunited again.


Chloe attacked Catherine with the hair grip, so she would probably claim self defence.


HenryCW writes:
"So what was supposed to have taken place after Chloe's death?"

That's a mystery all right!

And many people don't like the answer.

And the answer is in the death scene. Notice four things:

1) Chloe gets a wound to her hand

2) Chloe gets kissed by the person who causes her death

3) Chloe is posed cross-like as she falls

4) as the scene dissolves to the next, Chloe has a halo from the archway. neLight

"I think it's time to see Amanda sticking guns in people's faces."


hello again,the only real thing that puzzles me is why were these 2 women being bisexual?i understand about chloe wanting mom figure and catherine wanting to be a mom again.also thats why i dont watch alot of movies anymore.Christ and or biblical references should not be in a nonChristian movie.also,notice chloe has one eye only shown on the dvd cover.


@ davailableu,


That's a good question, why the bisexuality?

I can only speculate... Some early Christians (Gnostics) believed that an androgynous state was a spiritual state. So, this may be the reason, as unorthodox as it is.

I think the idea behind the Christian symbolism in Chloe maybe to show what happens when a person loses the sense of the sacred. Catherine is such a person. She has a good career, a good home, a successful husband; but Catherine has lost touch with sacredness. She doesn't have love in her life, and she sets out to reclaim her husband. However, what Catherine finds in Chloe is a spiritual love. Chloe brings Catherine back in touch with the sacred.

Ah, the one-eye symbolism relates to Chloe's "bad side", right? But that's because, on the surface, the movie is a thriller for entertainment. The Christian symbolism is a bonus that not every one sees.

"I think it's time to see Amanda sticking guns in people's faces."


yeah self defense as said below.

If you want to get down to the nitty gritty of it, there is no evidence. It takes place in New York right? NY has parent-child privilege. So the son doesn't have to testify and of course Cath doesn't have to testify against herself. No witnesses.

I'm not an expert, but I gather that it's really hard to convict beyond a reasonable doubt if no one talks to the police and instead lawyers up. "Your honor a prostitute fell to her death in the house of a married female Doctor and Professor. We have no witnesses but feel the Dr murdered her." In real life, suspects talk when arrested and screw themselves.

That doesn't belong in the film. But a Law and Order SVU that uses that as a back story could be very good.


I was not talking about her eventual conviction yet. I was asking if Catherine might be arrested. Chloe died in their house and there were obviously the evidences of a fight at the scene. So as I said in the original post, I think it was likely that Catherine and her son would be taken by the police for interrogation. Catherine might be charged for murder or at least manslaughter especially when they discovered Chloe had made threats and sent the "love" pictures via email thus clearly establishing the motive. Whether she could get off with the self-defense argument is another story.


Good point. I can offer that pretty women get rather generous treatment from the police. They'd probably not be arrested right away but surely would be questioned there at the house.

Now if Liam had pushed her it ends with Catherine visiting him in jail still wearing the pin.
