#2 on my Aster ranking

Just got back from Beau is Afraid. Meditated on it on the drive home and came to the conclusion that I definitely liked it way more than Midsommar. And it actually comes pretty close to being my favorite Aster film, but I appreciate the more straight-forward story-telling in Hereditary more than I care for Beau is Afraid's countless metaphors.

Both styles of film are great, and it's not that I prefer a narrative that spoon-feeds me everything (in fact, quite the contrary) but in this particular case, I feel that Hereditary has the most re-watchability. Beau is Afraid is one of those great pieces of cinema that unfortunately, I can't see myself watching again for a loooong time.


First of all, thank you for not giving away any spoilers.

Secondly, is this one a scary/creepy thriller like "Midsommar" and "Hereditary", or is it more of an artsy/trippy/emotional thing? My friend and I loved those other two, but when we watched the trailer for "Beau is Afraid", it was hard to tell if it was something we'd like or not.


Hello! Yes, your second description fits the bill perfectly! There's nothing "scary" about Beau is Afraid, in the traditional cinematic sense. All three have "situationally scary" stories, but this is not at all like Hereditary, which is very obviously a horror film.
