The fox and the hare

As ljt236 said in his review, this is quite important.
The "real" fable should be this:
The film version is completely different:

A fox and a hare meet one day.
The hare says to the fox,
"Can we be friends? "
The fox thinks for a moment.
"That depends."
"On what?" the hare asks.
"Firstly, I hope you're not a vegetarian. Secondly, I hate getting up before dawn. But most importantly, we should have a similar sense of humour."
"No problem," says the hare, "I'm game."
Do Robin and I have a similar sense of humour? No idea. The outing, at any rate, was my idea. Although I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe it was his idea. That would be just like him.

And at the ending it's not a fable at all:

For three days, they ask the hare the same questions.
"What were you doing in the forest at night? Was there anyone with you? Why the ropes?"
"And? What did you tell them?" asks the fox.
"Nothing," says the hare. "They weren't listening anyway.."
"I want to ask you something," says the hare. "Why did you end up leaving me alone in the forest? "
The fox thinks for a moment.
"I thought that was your idea."
That might even be true. No idea. It would be just like me, I guess.

The roles are completely reversed (see bold).
The ending says that Johann is the hare, hence Robin is the fox, but during the film he flirts (or even more) with Henri, which is a vegetarian...
