What no female giants???

WHERE WAS THE FEMALE GIANTS? Did the giants produce offspring via asexual reproductions?


I am also wondering why there were no female giants in the film


I was wondering about this as well.

Was there even 1 girl giant shown in the entire movie?


This is not an aberration either:



Did the giants produce offspring via asexual reproductions?
Some kind of hermaphrodite civilisation?
I would have said 'maybe' but I noticed a lack of femme style breasts,
so Im going to say the women folk were not allowed in the meeting halls,
or allowed into combat status, or even allowed to waitress at the parties,
so thus we just never saw one.
Some kind of throwback mindset!
Guarantee they were not allowed to vote either.
They were back in the giant trailer park minding the wee ones.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


Assume they just stayed in their houses instead of the meeting hall!


Even female GIANTS must be neither be seen nor heard.

What crap.


Rebecca Lobo is a female giant, so they could have used her.


maybe all the giants like men?



reminds me of the "why were there no female orcs" argument for lord of the rings


I thought I saw a female giant or two in the scene where they are in the giant meeting hall place.

Please stop boring Mr. Jones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afmw0MZxh5w


I think it would have been cool to see how the Female Giants are and if there were a bigger threat than their male counterparts.


Now that could have spawned a truly imaginative and humorous storyline, instead of what this script actually delivered.


For orcs in Lord of the Rings, the clear implication is that they reproduce asexually. (This was made more of in the film.) Orcs are incapable of love, and sex and love tend to go together, so ...

With this movie, though, I think it was missing a trick not to show any female giants. Giants in fairy stories are traditionally male, but J. K. Rowling does a good job of presenting giants of both sexes in the Harry Potter books, so it can be done.


Funny how I was thinking the exact same thing watching the movie. How do they breed new giants with no females??

~I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong~


Did the giants even age? Maybe there was just this finite group of male immortal giants. These same giants seemed to have been the ones that had fought humans hundreds of years earlier.


And the amazing thing is how many people are calling this a "family film."

What wholesome lesson is this supposed to teach little girls?


@SaltyLassi There is no ability to Like or +1 comments on here, but just wanted to say I agree. After finally finishing it, I actually have a real issue with the movie. This isn’t a movie for kids, and hate that Hollywood believes it is. There is no way this movie was made with little kids in mind. The death of the giant leader was so messed up, my kids would have nightmares if they saw that.

When you’re in a bad mood, just think about a monkey.




I don't know--I think it's good that a guy got killed by the stalker for once.

It was funnier in my head.


bryan singer does not believe women exist
