Not Enough Zombies

This movie feels like Youtubers trying to make a zombie parody. And there aren't enough zombies in the scenes for any suspense or anything. I think it just comes off dumb. Just my opinion, but I don't like this one.


Is it funny though? I think it's supposed to be a comedy. I haven't seen it yet though.


Yeah, it's a comdey, but not as good as that Simon Pegg one.


It tries hard to be funny, but I just couldn't get into it without enough zombies.


it still was a pretty decent flick.


Zombie count is not what this movie is about. It is about the life of three guys in the aftermath of a zombie outbreak and the things they get up to. Zombies are secondary to the three guys.

Less is more. And the guys that made this movie know that. They built a great atmosphere with what they had to work with. They kept the tension going while the survivors were in desloate buildings and streets. One or two zombies popping up here. A smaller group of zombies is more eerie if you ask me. And that is more ghost town like, than a crowd of two or three hundred zombies. That just isn't scary. Zombies [between two to ten at a time] is better.

And anyway. Didn't anyone notice how one of the guys said that they went on a non-stop six day killing spree with all the guns and ammo they had in the town. There was no ammo left in the town to use. This is a nice way of letting us know why there are not as many zombies around the area anymore [this be why you dont see many in the movie]. Most movie makers with low budgets dont even bother to be creative like that in story telling and they just put on show the two and a half zombies they have to work with. And the rest of the areas in this movie that they visit [suburbs, ect] are not big populated areas anyway. So as long as they dont make a racket they wont be noticed while they are there which means little if any zombie action.

There's more than enough zombies in it though to keep people happy. If they are not expecting a multi-million pound/dollar sized production.

"Show me your friends and I can tell you who you are."



thats the stupidest sentence ive ever see put together . OF COURSE ZOMBIE COUNT MATTERS . re read what youve written until you wake up to yourself

I guess your IQ is below the qualifying level to comprehend such things as what was said. In smaller budget movies bigger zombie crowds is not a must have thing. And it isn't always possible anyway in lower budget movies. So maybe it's time you learned these things. And dont try and act smart with me, BOY.

"Show me your friends and I can tell you who you are."


totally agree with u Dummkopf_Schweinhund , i thought the movie was great. they zombie count didnt bother me altho would been nice to see a few more slayings and bashings. still thought it was great, best low budget film ive ever seen

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dry ur eyes brad, jesus. grow a set of balls. oooh my brother this...... my dads bigger than yours.... are you 4 years old???
and the 28 days thing, personally i wouldnt say they are zombies. My definition of a zombie is get bit, die and come back from the dead. in 28 days its a rage virus, you get bit and got nucking futs
anyone else agree that 28 days aint a zombie flick??

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Yeah - that's a good point. I never thought about it. They don't actually die in 28 Days - they instantly turn. Therefore by definition they aren't zombies.

I can't remember where but someone mentioned that the zombies in LOTL are inconsistent - i.e they are slow moving in first 2/3's then there are running ones at end.

But look closely and you will notice that the running ones have different coloured eyes than the others. They are a different type of zombie. Well that was the idea. Then on the Island the zombies are a different type again. The scientists, while trying to create a cure, were modifying the virus.

Hopefully my ramblings make sense to someone :)



i still disagree, but thats just my opinion cos of the way i defined them

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ye i picked that up Gorilla. i also put into account that why couldn't zombies evolve/become smarter? that's what i thought initially until they arrived on the island
these snashberrys taste like snashberrys



You see it's like this. Anyone that refers to THE INFECTED as zombies loses any and all respect in my eyes. They have shown their lack of knowledge on zombies by classing the infected as zombies. They are nothing like zombies.

Only idiots shout ZOMBIE when a killer is on the screen and kills, or bites someone to death, ect. The Infected try and tear you apart with their hands, pounding you and ripping at your body as they attack. Then they either kill you through the attack or puke blood on you and it infects you and turns you to one of The Infected. That's it.

The Infected die from normal bullet shots to the body. They die from drowning. They die from chemical gas clouds. Zombies wouldn't as zombies don't breath. The Infected breath, as they are just people infected with the rage virus. Refering to The Infected as zombies is like refering to Frankenstein's monster as Frankenstein, it doesn't even have a name. So it's incorrect to call it Frankenstein. And it is hailed as Frankenstein by all truly stupid people [the same type that refer to The Infected as zombies].

The Infected are not zombies. How many times does this need to be pointed out. It's not a matter of opinion, it's fact. It does get a bit irritating at times to hear this constant inaccuracy being thrown about when refering to The Infected. So I just stick everyone that calls The Infected, zombies, on the ignore list. Ignorance must be dealt with in one way or another if it is persistant.


And by the way this part is aimed at the sucka that misspelled my name. It's Dummkopf not Dumbkopf, you iliterate fool. You had your chance on your first post to play it civilised all the way. But you failed. Now you are on the ignore list after your rant in the first post.

"Show me your friends and I can tell you who you are."



i never saw any racist comments
everything comes down to racism these days its beyond a joke
anyhoo this is banter about a class movie, i'm gonna watch it again, i would actually go as far as to say i now prefer this to Shaun of the dead now.
and the zombie talk
i ain't a fan of the aggressive ones like in dawn of the dead remake, they should stay like Romero's original. slow, moany retarded zombies. dead to the world only picking up on the scent of flesh, blood and noise. i don't mind if there 10 or 1000 of them on screen, i just think its hilarious that u an pick fights, batter there brains out. like when Morgan pops into the building site for a scrap. that was class.
in the DOTD remake why did they have to get superhuman speeds and strengths??? if u die and are reanimated you should be slow and dumb
feedback please.

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Hahah - good. The more its discussed the higher it goes up in your rankings kevykat! :)

The three main movies that inspired LOTL are Swingers, Ghostbusters and the original Dawn of the Dead.

I am a big fan of slow zombies. Although it's difficult to write a scene where people are endangered by slow zombies without it coming off as a bit silly.


a mass of slow zombies is endangering, like in the original DOTD, hundreds in a mall. if you *beep* up and get over whelmed youre screwed.
GorillaPictures - i take it all you guys are from new zealand?
You ever thought in going further afield for movies or you going to leave them all home grown?
Theres a guy i work with now and again from NZ. He stays there but my work pay for his travel so hes sorted. He introduced me to Trent From Punchy online. If you aint seen it check him on youtube. You should get him in your next movie.LMAO

these snashberrys taste like snashberrys



Yes from New Zealand. The next 3 films I am directing are all based in NZ as well. It's just easy for me to shoot here.

Never seen Trent.

Hey did someone post that the movie is out in Australia? I don't get any info on release dates:)


Can't wait for the sequel. I really enjoyed your take on the zombie genre...which is my favorite type of film.

Do you have an idea of when the sequel will be released?


I am a big fan of slow zombies. Although it's difficult to write a scene where people are endangered by slow zombies without it coming off as a bit silly.

This is why I like George Romero as he can do it too. He can create scenes involving slow zombies and make it good. All of his movies in the "Dead" series have tension when zombies are in scenes.

"Anger rideth with the one that knows no fear."


It's not a matter of opinion, it's fact.

I dunno man, I mean, zombies aren't real, so, anyone can define them. That's like saying "this is what a dragon looks like" or "all vampires hate garlic." I call the monsters in 28 Days "zombies" cuz it's shorter than typing out "zombie-like creatures" all the time.

And this is suuuuuch a tired dispute. Let it go already people.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf
