MovieChat Forums > Being Human (2009) Discussion > Series 3 is EPIC (spoilers)

Series 3 is EPIC (spoilers)

Just watched it for the first time (i watched the US version first because i prefer US TV to British TV even though i am a Brit)
Series 1 is pretty much the same as the US version (yeah i know UK came first) so i kinda didn't enjoy it seeing as though i knew all of the plot twists so i liked the deviation in series 2, and i started getting more comfortable with the characters (although annie gets on my tits at times)and by the end of 2 i was hooked, but series 3 blows both previous series out of the water, just incredible from start to finish, even the Vamp Adam & Zombie Sasha episodes were great and the last two episodes were fantastic
I knew Mitchell died, but i actually was bawling my eyes out over it, which i didn't think i would do, the acting gets so much better as it progresses too

But now im onto series 4 and i don't think im gonna like the MANY changes, George is my favourite character out of the main 3 and i know he leaves in s04e01, Mitchell is obviously gone and i don't think tom (or that new guy) can take his place, im guessing nina leaves with George or dies, and Annie leaves in the finale, so just wondering, do the changes get easier to adjust to or is it downhill from here after an amazing series 3???


I loved the first three seasons - Mitchell, Annie, George and Nina work so well together, and I loved their development as characters. I thought S4 and S5 weren't as strong, although I really came to like Tom, Hal and Alex too (she's introduced part way through S4). I didn't like the later story arcs as much, but still thought they were worth watching (and buying on dvd). The end of Annie's story in the finale of S4 is fab.

I haven't seen the US one yet -that'll be interesting...

The 21st century is when it all changes, and you have to be ready
Captain Jack Harkness
