
Was he prompted at all by Jennavecia and her bf or does he just like to be a douche for no reason? I have a feeling he's the new Charm. As for Chasyn, he was cocky, but I understand why he left. He's probably better off by himself anyway.

Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos.


He's an idiot and I know exactly what his girlfriend is going through because I dated a guy who seemed great at first and then started working obsessively and everything seemed to change. He started getting REALLY cocky, obnoxious and just unbearable to be around. I guess that stuff just goes to some people's heads.


He's was being an ass. I think he likes Jennavecia, thats why. He was all over her on the show intro.


The therapist had him pegged (I said the same thing minutes before she did). He's picked out Jennavecia and her boyfriend and decided to displace all the self-criticism he should be doing onto them. Instead of focusing on himself and what he's done wrong, he's suddenly become obsessed with Jennavecia. Every fight he picks is a distraction from what he doesn't want to think about.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. Gandhi.


He demonstrated to me in the first episode that he's a chauvinistic hypocrite. He was accusing Jennavecia of being trash and a whore which could also be said about him. Any girl could have slept with him in Cancun also, and he is no innocent when it comes to cheating on his girlfriend. He also has this BS "slime goes with slime" theory which is contradictory since he is slime and Christie is not.

I was thinking the same thing about Jacob being this season's Charm. Charm lasted way longer than he should have, but I think Jacob has potential. If he could get a sense of reality and start focusing less on Jennavecia's problems and more on improving his own, and if he shows any sign of being a decent human being then he could reach the point of earning his place in the Academy. (At least I hope that happens, cause I'll be pissed if I watch to watch this guy being a douche every week and not learning anything)
