Not bad

Not bad


I thought it was good and I enjoyed it. I am sooo in love with Phelan as well!

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Oh it really was bad!

The writer/director clearly did his research in some comic (Lilith as the first Vampire is a well trod path) rather than the source material. The acting and Dialouge was pants. Worst of all the main villain (Lilith) acts all subtle and stealthy until the point in the movie where (the bloody obvious fact of ) who she is is revealed to the audience at which point she suddenly throws that tactic away and goes out Vamp killer (as if the character had peeked at the script and knew stealth was no longer needed).

Calling it bad is doing this movie a favour.


Technically, maybe not very good but I couldn't help but enjoy it!

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"
