It's on The Bible Network!

At least, I think that's what TBN stands for. It started at 11 p.m. Central, and I decided to videotape it just in case. So far, I'm not sure what I think of it. I especially like TBN because they air films commercial-free!



I caught the end of it it and have to admit I was very disappointed. The acting was horrible by most of the cast, the dialogue was stunted and unrealistic. I have to say the sets and costumes were much better than I anticipated however. I never caught how it was a Christian movie, but assuming it was since it was on TBN, my disappointment stems from the quality as I wish there were more good movies that are made from a "Christian" point of view.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Yes, it was rather amateurish acting, but I could tell that they were really trying to do their best. At least it was all rather "off", so there wasn't a standout performance that made the rest look bad. I'd say it was like watching someone's film project. You're right about the rest~the settings, costumes, props. It made me feel as if I was at a Medieval/Renaissance faire though I think the acting is better at Bristol Renaissance Faire! Certainly, the swordplay is. Still, in their favor, they obviously were dedicated to this project and doing their darnedest to make it work. Actually, I enjoyed it more than "King Arthur" (2004), which I thought was extremely poor (just to name another period film).

I caught the Christian element throughout. Perhaps you had to see it from the beginning. It doesn't hammer you over the head with it, which I liked. For example, as much as I love the Fifties film "Quo Vadis", it's heavy-handed with its messages. "Pendragon" doesn't have explicit violence or any sexual material, which is quite different from most films of this time period.

I'm not sure I'll keep my videotaped copy, but I think I'll watch it again before I decide.

