
Why is Leah wearing a wig?


I'm not sure, but she just said something about how when they're married, they have to wear a wig b/c their real hair can not excite anybody other than their husband lol.


Ahhhh. They finaly explained it. She covers her hair so only her husband can see it. I thought I had missed something.


I'm soo glad they explained about the wig b/c 5 minutes into the movie I was looking at all the women and I said to my mother (who was in the room at the time) OMG its like a nightmare w/ all thiese Wigs from HELL!!! So relieved when they explained that it was part of tradition. This movie was great!


Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs the same reason devout Muslim women cover their hair with headscarves.

Press on me, we are restless things


Orthodox Jewish Married women, wear wigs. LOL. I feel so proud that i can explain this, Im jewish. Not orthodox, but high up there. No my mom does not wear a wig. Okay,, so she wears a wig... cause their hair should only be seen by their husbands. No one else. :D hope that helps.


it is Like for women in moslem, only your mahram (husband, son, father, brother, uncle, nephew, etc.) can see other part of your body except face and hand. And If you want to see anybody else (men) you must close your body (including use of hood) except face and hand.
