MovieChat Forums > The City (2008) Discussion > Roxy did NOTHING wrong

Roxy did NOTHING wrong

She helped Whitney as much as she could. Whitney needs to lay off.


Yea, I agree. I thought Whitney had too much of the bitch attitude going on. Roxy did her job, she can't physically force someone to wear clothes they don't want to, and then the previews for next week. Are you kidding me? Whit is baffled as to why Roxy is leaving the apartment "so soon"? Leaving her "high and dry"? Are you kidding??? She apparently doesn't remember how she treated Roxy or what she said to her.


Whitney was a total bitch to Roxy. I hoped she watched last night's episode to see how wrong she was.


^^^She did and feels bad.


The issue with the Lights singer throwing off the jacket is one thing, but what I really baffled me was the whole roxy moving out issue.

Whitney doesn't own her she can go looking for apts if she wants...whitney said roxy should have been upfront and honest as if looking at an apt is such a terrible sneaky thing. They had an argument roxy said she wanted to move out whitney said fine, she should have expected her to start looking and there's nothing dishonest about looking for an apt. I'm pretty sure she wasn't going to sneak off in the middle of the night and move into her new apt. I'm sure once she found one she would have told whit she was leaving. To argue with her at the fashion show, and then leave her by herself storming out was so totally un called for!


I think Whit wanted to work it out, but Rox wasn't budging. Before she knew it, it was too late and Roxy bounced out of that apartment.


Perhaps, but whit never really tried talking to her. The first time was after she already found out she was looking for a place and it was only to argue and make her feel horrible about looking for an apt. If I was roxy I would feel attacked and misunderstood. I think she did start looking for an apt kinda soon but it wasn't dishonest...



Good point, Brynna. Never thought about it like that.


I like Roxy but she's kind of a flake and a tad unreliable.. I mean; she has Whitney's best interest at heart most of the time but she does stupid things.. Example: At the Glamour shoot she called one of the outfits ' girly, punk, whorey'or something. That is NOT the type of message a designer would want to convey.

Roxy might be a nice girl but I don't think she can handle business meetings very well; as in staying professional. If one's an upcoming designer you really wouldn't want to have a friend like Roxy with you when you go see clients. That's not to say she effs up everytime but she's prone to do or say not so clever things.

I came.. I saw.. And I got lost.
