'Dance' definition

Reading on here, I'm not the only one who thinks the judges aren't spot on in the way they are judging. I don't think they all have a great grasp on what another countries culture is like translated into dance. And I don't think there is a great way to compare all these different styles, they're all too different to even begin to comapre...how can you compare a 4000 year old ritual to hip hop is beyond me. And I think it should be just an entertaimnemt show, not just dancing. But something the judges kept saying was bugging me...they when they give low scores, they keep saying its because 'there wasn't enough actual dancing...' so I thought, well what exactly is the definition of 'dance'? So I looked it up, and according to dictionary.com, the first entry for 'dance' is...

–verb (used without object) 1. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music.

Um, unless I was seeing something the judges weren't, hasn't every single act so far satisfyed this definition?

So how is it not 'dance'? I enjoy watching the performers and so far I think they are all really great, but I really hope they either fix the way they judge, or just don't come back for a second season.
