Annoying Camerawork

It's like the cameraman or director has ADD- switching camera angles, showing the dancers from the waist up, and then they give us a wide shot from behind the studio audience so you can't see ANYTHING!!! And don't get me started about the spotlight shining right into the camera so it blinds us. Really annoying, I could barely watch the first episode and WON'T be tuning in again.

-- Getting caught is the mother of invention. - Robert Byrne


I was saying the same thing to my mom. Especially during the S. African ballroom performance. They were heading into something that you knew would be big, like the climax of the dance and bam they switch to a far view. And the woman, wearing black and gold, disappeared completely into the black and gold background. I don't know what the heck they were thinking but that was the stupidest damn thing to do. Audience was cheering but you couldn't see what they were cheering for. Ridiculous.

Even beyond that specific example, overall they just seem like they are amateurs at this. The whole thing just feels amateurish. I think I'd honestly be embarrassed to be attached to this show. Doesn't seem like a lot of thought was put into it.

OBAMA WON!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THANK YOU AGAIN SOMEONE ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD!!! I was JUST about to post regarding this! Again I don't mean to yell but when the South African couple were doing the duet they totally kept panning out and doing wide angles when the audience was oohing and aaahing and guess what? I COULDN'T SEE A DAMN THING! And I was watching it on my grandfathers hugeass TV!!! Horrible. So amateur.

Everytime you judge me I cut


Last night's angles were so terrible. You could not see a blasted thing half the time. Even in HD you were squinting to see the dancers. I'm sorry, but panning out away from the subject in mid routine is retarded.

Go níthe an cat thu is go níthe an diabhol an cat! Ní hé lá na báistí lá na bpáistí.


Nygel needs to get some new friggen cameramen. The same thing happens during So You Think You Can Dance!

I'm gonna butter yo bread!


I agree! Here's a thought: How about they just film it from the front center? Like we're sitting in the audience. That's how most dances are choreographed and it would get rid of the annoying camera work. I mean, during the china solo, they were shooting from such a stupid angle that the dancer was behind the gong! So for a couple of seconds, I couldn't see what he was doing.

Don't get me started on this. I love dance shows, but the camera angles ALWAYS piss me off.


It's like the cameraman or director has ADD- switching camera angles, showing the dancers from the waist up, and then they give us a wide shot from behind the studio audience so you can't see ANYTHING!!! And don't get me started about the spotlight shining right into the camera so it blinds us.

AMEN!!!!!! You've said it all... but Im hooked so Im going to still watch it even though I hate the scoring system and the cameraman :-(

Proud Member of TAM (Tara+Sam True Blood)
